Part 8

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    Alec quickly changed his cloths and Luis waited for him in the entrance hall:" And where are we going now?" Luis grabbed his wrist and dragged Alec with him:" You will see it." Alec was concerned where Luis would bring him but on the other side he had a good feeling and it felt easy to be with Luis. It was without worries and uncomplicated. Now they stood in front of a club. Apart from the fact that Alec doesn't like to go to clubs he doesn't know this one:" Luis, I don't know if this is the right thing and beside that I never heard about it."Luis laughed:" Yeah, the reason must be because this is a mundane club." Alec' eyes widened:" Oh, is that so?" He raised an eyebrow:" Here you know no one and no one knows you. No Demons, no Shadowhunters and no Magnus Bane. Here you can be free and without worries." Alec couldn't answer anymore to Luis because he already pulled him into the club. Alec was surprised. Really no one looked at him because he was a Niphilim or because someone knew him or Magnus. Now they stood in front of the bar:" What do you want to drink?" Alec was a little tense. Even if nobody knew him nothing changed the fact that he wasn't often in clubs. He shrugged with his shoulders:" I don't know. The same like you." Luis nodded and ordered two beers. When Luis gave him the cold glass immediately Alec thought about the first date with Magnus and he had a smile in his face.But he shook his head because tonight he doesn't want to think about his love.Luis and Alec talked much. Luis was really interested in Alec as a person and asked him many questions and normally Alec was not a open person but this was different. They enjoyed the night and had much fun. And Alec didn't thought about Magnus so often. Alec was more relaxed and open. It seemed like they knew each other for a long time and Alec felt well.

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