Part 28

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    Alec lay down on his side to look at Magnus and supported his head with one hand. Magnus lay on his back. With his free hand Alec stroke through Magnus' hair. Magnus doesn't looked so happy and Alec narrowed his eyebrows:" Magnus, what's wrong?" "Nothing." Magnus doesn't looked at Alec just looked at the ceiling:"Magnus..." Alec knew when something was wrong with Magnus. Magnus sighed but still doesn't look at Alec:" Why did you defend him the morning when I caught you two?" Alec' eyes widened and now he lay on his back and looked t the ceiling, too:" Because of you. I knew you wanted to kill him and this had made you sad. It would have hurt you even more when you had killed him." Magnus looked at Alec surprised. He was right. Magnus doesn't want to kill someone especially not with his magic. He wants to help others and it hurt him to see others suffering. Alec knew Magnus to well sometimes better than himself. Magnus had a bright smile on his face and rested his head on Alec' chest:" I should have talked to you and I'm sorry." Now Alec had a smile on his face, too and wrapped his arm around Magnus' upper body:" It's not your fault. I didn't knew what was going on by myself and for a short time I believed what he had said...but know you are by my side again. Magnus, it seems that we always find away back together." Alec pressed Magnus against his body and they fell asleep in this position and it seemed that the night would last for eternity....- THE NEXT DAY- Alec and the others reported everything to the head of the Italian Institute but because it involved mostly Magnus, a Downworlder, the Head of Institute closed the case. But because Alec, a Shadowhunter, got physically hurt Luis was forbidden to come back to the New York Institute ever again. Magnus was indignant about this decision and that he doesn't got an apology. Alec barely could calm him down but both were happy that they were back together. And silently Magnus swore to himself that he would take care of Luis if he would see him again    

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