Part 17

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    Izzy laid the picture on the counter:" Oh, no sweetheart. Another guy? I'm hurt." He showed faked disappointment. Jace needed to hold back his laugh:" I'm sorry,Darling." Izzy stroked with her index finger seductively over his cheek:" Can you tell me if this man was here last night?"She showed him the picture of Luis. The man got nervous when he heard her soft and gentle voice:" Yes, he was here with a much taller, black haired guy." His eyes wondered from her eyesdown to her chest. Izzy rolled her eyes. She laid her finger under his chin and raised his head so he looked into her intense eyes again. He cleared his throat:" So, the shorter guy kissed the other one." Izzy's eyes got wide and she looked shocked but tried to hide it:" But the taller one rejected him and shortie apologized." "And?" Izzy got impatient. Why can't Mundanes come to thepoint:" The taller one said that he felt sick and I thought we need to call an ambulance but he hadn't so much drinks. His friend wanted to bring him home and they left together." Izzy smiled and thanked the man with a kiss on his cheek. She turned around to Jace and of course he overheard everything. Both didn'tknow what to think and at the same time they were shocked. What had Luis done to Alec? When they wanted to went outside the barkeeper called something after them:" And the taller one said that he wanted to see a guy named Magnus andwant to apologies to him." Izzy and Jace left the club:" One thing I know forsure, Alec wanted to talk and apologies to Magnus and know he can't remember anything. I don't know what happened.Jace, we need to talk with Luis." Back at the Institute they met Simon:" Hay."Jace rolled his eyes. He had better things to do. Izzy smiled when she saw him:" Hallo, Simon. What are you doing here?" "I was with Clary. She told me about Alec and Magnus." Clary knew everything from Izzy:" This really sucks.That something like that happens to Mundanes okay but a Shadowhunter?" The siblings raised their eyebrows and looked confused.   

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