Part 22

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    Suddenly Luis began to laugh:" You really ask why I did that, warlock?" With this sentence everyone's eyes widened and they were surprised:" Your heard right. How can the other Shadowhunters tolerate that one of us is together with a Downworlder? It brings only shame on us. To be friends with them or to fell in love with such creatures isn't your fate.It's disgusting. Someone needed to end this." Magnus felt so much hate and his gold green cateyes showed. He pushed Jace to the side and raised his hand to throw a fireball at Luis but Luis suddenly fell to the ground. Alec let go ofall the frustration, the anger, the sadness and the aggressions he held back the last days and ran over to Luis. He pushed him and both landed on the ground. Alec was above Luis and punched him in the face over and over again. He was in rage and he didn't noticed anyone anymore. His voice was loud and he shouted:" How could you do this to him!? How could you dare to hurt Magnus like this!? You DON'T have the right to judge him!! He is more of an lolyal, pure and gentle angel you will EVER be!! You will regret that you EVER hurt him like that!!!" A few heavy punches later Luis was unconscious. Jace wrapped his hands around Alec' waist and pulled him away from Luis:" Alec, you will kill him!""And!? He deserves it!" Alec tried to fight against Jace' grip but couldn't win against it because he couldn't think straight. He just thought about Magnus when he found them in their bedroom and how Magnus' heart shattered in this second:"Alec, listen to me. We bring him into the Italian Institute and he will get punished there. You need to calm down." Jace ordered Clary to open a portal and to go with Izzy and Luis. When they were gone Jace led go of Alec. He looked back and forth between Alec and Magnus:" I think you two have things to talk about." Magnus stood there like stone and Alec still sat on the ground out of breath. Jace sighed but had a little smile in his face and went through the portal.    

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