Part 5

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    When Alec looked to the ground Luis noticed his sadness. He took one flower from the bouquet. It was the only one that wasn't burned and he gave it to Alec:" Here, for you." Alec looked up and saw Luis' gentle smile. Alec resisted taking the flower and Luis sighed:" It's not reprehensible if you get attention from other people beside Mr. Bane. You deserve it, Alec. Beside that he should be happy tov have someone at his side who other people want, too. You're not at fault." Alec looked to the side and blushed. Even if Alec doesn't want to accept the fact but Luis was right and he liked the good feeling and attention. Of course he loved Magnus and he was thankful he loved him back but still it was a good thing. He accepted the black tulip and smiled back at Luis:" Thank you." When he remind that the other were waiting for them he lay the flower on the table and wear his visible mask again. Alec cleared his throat and the lovely smile disappeared:" The others are waiting for us. We need to go." Luis laughed quietly:" Yes, let's go." When Luis wanted to left the room Alec took his arm and looked serious at him:" And this reminds among us. Is this clear?" Luis lay his hand on Alec' hand nodded. For some reason Alec trusted him. He had the feeling that he could tell Luis everything without being condemned. Alec never trusted someone so much beside Magnus and Jace and he couldn't describe the feeling. When they were with the others Jace and Izzy pierced Luis with questions where the two of them were so long. For a short time Alec thought that Luis would break his promise but he just lied to them. Some story that he asked for tips from Alec to fight some demons. Alec was really impressed that he kept his promise.   

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