Part 21

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    Magnus raised his eyebrow annoyed. Alec stood in the most remote corner of the room.This was too much for him. He felt dizzy and everything turned around him. He leaned against the wall to support himself:" Okay, okay. I will tell you everything." Everyone looked at Luis expect Alec. He looked to the ground and his heart raced:" It's true. When we were at the club I kissed him." Magnus clenched his hands to fists:" Clam down. He rejected me and wanted to be with you so I brought him home." Alec felt more and more dizzy and all the pictures from that night came to his mind:" I said you will tell them EVERYTHING." Jace had crossed his arms and starred angrily at Luis:" It's okay. I will tell you all what happened." Alec cleared his throat:" He was wasted when we were here and talked the whole time how he wants to apologize to Magnus and that he want him by his side. Then he blacked out and I laid him down." "And then!?" Magnus growled:"The whole memories from that night raced past Alec' inner eye and he remembered everything:" And nothing happened..." Alec whispered. It was barely audible and the others looked surprised:" You can remember it?" Alec nodded and Izzy smiled:" What did he mean?" Magnus asked but was unsure:" Yes he is right. Nothing happened. I wore off his clothes and laid him down but nothing more.""Why can't he remember anything?" Luis tried to avoid Magnus' intense gaze:"Don't force me..." Magnus pointed to his hand with the blue flames:" Okay, maybe I gave him something when we were at the club." Alec still was dizzy and leaned on the wall. Magnus jumped up and wanted to attack Luis when Jace stood between them again. This time Magnus listened to him. His eyes where full with anger and disgust but then he looked to Alec:" The flowers were from you, too.Right?" Luis just nodded:" Why did you do that?" Suddenly Magnus' voice sounded sad but he tried to hide it and just Alec really noticed it.   

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