Part 14

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    -Magnus POV-
Izzy and Jace left the Alec' room. To be true Alec throws them out. They didn't know what to do because Alec didn't say anything about what happened. They decided to separate. Jace stayed with Alec. He felt how bad his Parabatai felt and Izzy wanted to talk with Magnus. They needed to know what happened between them and why Alec was so sad. She was surprised as soon she reached the loft. In the whole building weren't' t barricades or glamour. Izzy knocked the door but Magnus didn't opened it. There was only silence. So Izzy decided to let herself in:" Hello? Magnus?" Her eyes were in shock. When she was inside the loft she saw that everything was devastated and destroyed. At the walls and furniture you could see burn marks. She was careful and holds her whip in one hand. She thought that maybe someone attacked Magnus but when she went further she was confused and more surprised. Magnus sat on the ground in the farthest corner of the room and his arms wrapped around his knees. One hand was clenched to a fist and in the other hand he holds the Omamori. The Omamori he got from Alec:" Magnus...?" Izzy didn't knew what was going on and walked slowly over to him. She touched his shoulder gently. At the same moment he felt her touch he jumped up and backed off so far he could. Until his back touched the wall:" Magnus, what happened? Alec-" "What do you want, Shadowhunter?" Izzy's eyes widened. Did she hear right:" Magnus; can you tell me what's wrong?!" Magnus raised his hand warningly and Izzy didn't dared to come closer to him. She saw the coldness and rejection in his eyes:" Go away, Niphilim!" "Mag-" "I said GO AWAY! You all are the same! Niphilims are just liar and deceiver! I should NEVER have trusted you again! Then and now!" He dragged her to the door when he said that:" Magnus, I didn't know what happened but Alec-" But before she could finish her sentence he closed the door and it was silent again.    

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