Part 10

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    The next morning Alec felt the warm sunlight in his face. When he opened his eyes they formed into small slits. His head was booming and he had the feeling that it would explode. He definitely drank too much last night. As soon as he felt the soft golden bed sheds around his body he had a smile on his face. He was at home and laid in Magnus' and his bed. He turned around to the other bedside and wrapped his arm around the elegant silhouette beside him. First he felt good but when he opened his eyes and saw the blond hair in front of him his eyes widened. Within milliseconds he was wide awake. Alec jumped up and sat tense onthe bed. Now he looked through the room and saw that all his clothes lay on the ground and he only wore boxer shorts. In his face you could only see panic:"This...this...what...happened?" He couldn't remember anything:"Alec?" It was Luis. He sat beside Alec and he could see that Luis only wear boxer shorts, too:" What is this? What happened? I can't remember anything..." Alec couldn't think straight:"Yesterday you didn't want me to go and-" "And what!?" Alec grabbed Luis' arms and shook him:" What happened!?" "Alec, we kissed last night and we are both half naked. I think it's obviously what we did." Alec' heart stopped for a second and his body was stiff. Did he heard right? He would never do this. He could never betray Magnus:" This can't be true..." Luis was annoyed:" Just think about last night then your memories come back." Alec tried but it was hopeless.He couldn't remember anything. The only thing was that Luis brought him home and that they were standing in the loft:" I would never do this. I love Magnus. Tell me what really happened!!" Alec looked worried and angry at him:" I think he clearly said what had happened!" Alec frightened. Magnus stood in the bedroom. He was numb and his arms were crossed. But Alec saw clearly how hurt and how much he was in rage. Alec could slap himself. What had he done? Had hereally betrayed his love?

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