Part 13

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    -Alec POV-
Somehow Alec reached the Institute. He stormed past Izzy, Jace and Clary without saying anything. He closed the door of his room and slides it down. He couldn't hold it back anymore and the tears rolled down his face. He buried his face into his hands and whimpered. How could that happen? How could he hurt the love of his life so much and betray him? This couldn't be true:" Magnus..." He whispered through his tears. Helpless and desperately. Suddenly someone knocked at his door and he heard the voice of his Prabatai:" Alec? Is everything okay?" No answer, only silence:" Hay, big brother. What's wrong?" Izzy stood beside Jace and was worried about his brother:" Alec, open the door please. What's wrong?" Again the air was filled with silence until Izzy and Jace heard how the door opened. Both waited a short time and then went into Alec' room. It was completely dark and only the light from the hall lit up the room a little. He lay rolled up on the bed and his back was turned to his siblings. They heard how he whimpered and looked helpless to each other. Then Izzy sat down on the bed and Jace stood before them. Alec couldn't hold back the feelings. He cried and looked empty to the wall. He didn't noticed his siblings and just murmured something through his tears. Jace and Izzy had to listen carefully to understand it:" What have I done? How could that happen? It's my fault..." Izzy turned his face to Jace:" Dou you think we should call Magnus?" Jace shrugged his shoulders and didn't know what to say. In the same moment Alec jumped up and grabbed Izzy's arms. He looked at her intensive:" Magnus! I lost him forever! How could I do this to him!? I can't live without him!" He pleaded. Izzy was confused but stroke gently over his soft black hair:" Sssh...It will get be-" "NO!!!" He shouted and shoved her hand away:" I lost him!! I did something unforgivable and he will never come back to me!! You don't understand this!!" You could see how his whole live was shattered.    

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