Part 15

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    Izzy called Jace and told him everything what had happened:" What do you mean with liar and deserver? He can't talk about Alec, right?" Jace was mad. No one can say something like that about his brother because Alec is the most honest and loyal person he knew:" I don't know, Jace. But I think so. Something must have happened between them." Jace sighed:" I try to get something out of Alec." They ended the call. Jace knocked at Alec' door silently. Since Alec got home he didn't came out of his room and didn't talked to anyone. Jace went inside and sat down beside his brother:" So, Alec...äh...Izzy talked with Magnus and..." As soon Alec heard Magnus' name his eyes opened:" And he said something about...liar and deceiver." Alec turned around so Jace just saw his back and he tried to find the right words:" I mean you would never do something this stupid and-" "It's true..." Alec sounded numb and monotone. Like every feeling he had flowed away with his tears:" What?" "I have-" He cleared his throat:"- betrayed him." Jace didn't knew what to say or what to do. He laid his hand on his shoulder:" Hey,this must be a misunderstanding." " No. You don't understand this." Alec was weak and tired:" Then explain it to me, Alec. I feel how you suffer." First there was no answer and when Alec wanted to give up and go Alec said something.He hesitated a little but told his Parabatai everything that happened:" Do you understand NOW why he will never forgive? He will never come back to me. I willnever forgive myself. HE will never forgive me..." Jace wanted to say something when Alec faced him. Jace saw that his eyes were filled with tears:" Please go now, Jace. I want to be alone." Jace wanted to say something against it but he saw how Alec was pleading and just nodded. Silently he closed the door and waited for Izzy to come back. A short time later he heard the sound of HighHeels in the hall.

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