Part 9

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    It was a long time since Alec had drunk so much. It only happened one time and the next morning he regretted it so badly that he swore to himself to never do it again. Luis gave him a beer again and again and Alec didn't denied it. Alec felt how the alcohol took control over his body and he didn't like it. Alec hates it when he don't have control so he put the glass away:" What's wrong? Can't you take anymore?" Luis laughed about the non-existent drinking strength from his accompaniment:" Yes, that. Normally I don't drink so much." "It is okay. I don't want to force you to do something that you didn't want to do. Wecan go if you want." Alec was tired from the alcohol but he didn't want to go and shook his head:" No. I like to be here." Luis laid his hand on Alec' armand smiled. He stroke gently over his arm:" I like to be here, too." Luis took a step forward and they were just a few centimeter apart from each other. Alec couldn't step back because behind him was the bar:" I like to be here with you." His hand wondered from Alec' arm onto his cheek and he strokes it softly. Before Alec couldn't say anything he felt Luis' lips on his. The kiss last for a few seconds when Alec realized what happened right now and pushed Luis a little away. Both looked at each other with wide eyes:" I'm...I'm sorry. I misunderstood everything." Alec was shocked and didn't know how to react. He was angry and disappointed but at himself. He had only one thing in his mind. Magnus:" I...I want to go now." When Alec wanted to go to the exit he got dizzy and swayed. Did he really drink so much alcohol? Before he could fell to the ground Luis grabbed his arm:" I'm really sorry. I bring you home right now."Alec narrowed his brows and Luis sighed:" I will ONLY bring you home. I promise." Alec' vision was blurred.   

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