Part 20

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    Around Magnus' hands formed blue flames and his cateyes showed up. He wanted to do the thing he hadn't done in the morning when he found Alec and Luis in the bedroom.Magnus wanted to kill him right now. Alec could see how tense and aggressive Magnus was. Magnus moved a step forward and when he wanted to burn Luis Jace stepped between them and held up his hand warningly:" Stop Magnus! You can'tkill him!" But Magnus didn't listen and throw the fireball:" He knows the truth!!" When Magnus heard the words he got distracted and the fireball flow past Luis' head and landed in the wall behind him. Magnus narrowed his brows and Alec didn't knew what to think or what to say. What have the others done:"What do you mean by that!?" Magnus thought that this was just a weak attempt to change his mind so he would forgive Alec but when he saw Alec' face he knew that he doesn't know anything about it. Izzy sighed because she couldn't stand this anymore:" We went to the club Luis went with you to and we found out the truth from him. We want that you know it, too so we don't need to look at this tragedy anymore." Magnus' face was stiff like stone:" Which truth? I know the truth; you know the truth and Alexa-...Alec. Knows. The. Truth. To. Well." Alec shrugged and Jace rolled his eyes:" Just listen to it." He grabbed Luis' arm and sat him down on Magnus' chair:" Speak." Luis shook his head. Alec was nervous and sweated. He doesn't want to hear what Luis had to say. He doesn't want Magnus to hear it. Magnus poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat down in the armchair across from Luis. Jace leaned down and whispered threatening in Luis' ear:" Either you tell them exactly what you told us yesterday or I will NEVER ever again hold Magnus back to burn you to death." Luis cleared his throat nervously and looked hectic back and forth between Jace and Magnus and saw the blue flames around Magnus' hand again    

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