Part 4

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    Someone knocked at the door and Luis came in:" Alec? Is everything ok?" " Yes, w...why?"Alec felt caught. He don't want to show Luis that he was sad and he don't want that Magnus is mad at him. He would prefer to follow him. He was torn from his thoughts when Luis laid his hand on Alec' shoulder and looked at him worried:"Are you sure that everything is okay? You look worried. I would say sad."Normally Alec wouldn't share his feelings and thoughts with other people so openly beside from Magnus. When he was with his lover he could be himself and free. But for some reason Luis' charisma was like Magnus' and Alec was so sad about the fight with Magnus that he told Luis everything that happened. Alec felt better and he liked to talk with Luis like that. For a short time he forgot the fight with Magnus and laughed. It was an honest and lovely laugh. Luis told him some stupid things and Alec laughed about it. Normally he would only laugh about something like that when Magnus told him these things. When he was with Luis he let his mask fall completely. Luis took the burned flowers and sighed:" What a waste. They are so beautiful. Why would someone burn them? I don't think that you was it as I know you." As he know him? He thought about Magnus again and was angry about himself:" No, it's alright. HE was right."Luis raised his eyebrow:" He?" With his thoughts Alec was with Magnus and didn't noticed the surprise and confusion in Luis' voice:" Why would the High Warlock of Brooklyn is worried about you getting flowers?" "I knew that he was a bit angry about it but I never thought it would be so bad. I love him and now I hurt him." Luis' body was tense when he heard the last sentence:" You love...the Warlock?" He emphasized the last word. Alec stood up and looked angrily at Luis:" What do you mean with that!?"Luis smiled softly:" I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just surprised because you just introduced him as the High Warlock of Brooklyn."Alec eyes widened. Did he really said that?    

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