Part 16

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    They exchanged there information. Both couldn't believe it. Alec wasn't the type of man who could betray his loved ones like that and the thing with Luis was very suspicious. They knew one thing for sure, Alec loved Magnus and he would never do something that would hurt him so much like this. They couldn't watch how bad Alec and Magnus felt and decided to do something about it:" I think we should investigate it." Jace agreed with Izzy but both were a little worried. What will they find out? Luckily Alec told Jace the name of the club where he was with Luis. This was the last place Alec could clearly recognize and his siblings wanted to investigate there first. They hided there runes and they didn't need to wait long when the guard let them inside. With their looks they didn't need to wait long to come inside a club. Also this night the club was full with mundanes. They couldn't proceed here like other missions. But Izzy thought about that, too and had a photo of Luis with her. They went to the bar and looked around. Jace and Izzy couldn't believe that Alec came here on his free will:" Okay, Jace. I know how convincingly you can be but now we don't know each other." She gestured him to go a few steps away from her. Jace narrowed his eyebrows but then he saw that behind the bar worked a brown haired guy. He saw Izzy as soon as she came inside and never let her out of her gaze. He sighed and turned around to a good looking woman and flirted with her. He knew that his sister could handle this without problems. With a seductively and sexy smile she looked at him. He smiled back and came over to her:" Hello beauty.What can I do for you?" Izzy needed to hold back a lout laugh. She thought that mundane needed to learn from Downworlders like Meliorn to success in flirting.

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