Chapter 1

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^India Eisley as Willow^
Disclaimer:I do not own the twilight saga or any of the twilight saga characters or plots nor do I own shameless or any of its characters or plots, I only own willow and the plots I make up.

Willows pov
"Seriously Debbie I can't be stuck in the car with your baby if it keeps crying like that" Lip groaned. Annoyed of the little baby that's been crying it lungs out basically the whole trip.

"Here debs let me hold her. Take a break, yeah?" I said holding out my arms for my Little niece franny.

"Nice to know one of my siblings care" Debbie said handing the baby to me.

"Hey we care, you just never let any of us hold franny, apart from willow" Ian said from his spot next to me.

"I don't trust you not to drop her" Debbie said.

"I dropped you as a baby, you turned out fine" Fiona said from the drivers seat.

"Did I?" Debbie asked and just like that world war three commenced in the car, everybody yelling and throwing snacks at each other, such a typical Gallagher road trip.

"Hey, hey keep it down. You kids have no respect can't you see your fathers trying to sleep back here?" Frank yelled from the very back seat of the car, which he had taken up all by himself.

"SHUT UP FRANK" everyone yelled and just like that the car was quite once again.

"Why did we have to take him with us?" Carl asked Fiona leaning forward in his seat, obviously referring to frank when he talked.

"Snot nosed brats" frank mumbled laying back down to sleep.

"Because family services would be on my ass if we didn't. Get back in your seat" Fiona said.

"Whatever" Carl said sitting back down.

"How much longer until we get to La push?" I asked.

"About an hour" Lip said looking up from his phone and at me.

"Well I think we might need to stop than" I said

"Why?" Fiona asked looking in the rearview mirror at me.

"Franny needs to be changed" I said causing everyone in the car to groan.

"And I'm pulling over" Fiona said pulling into a gas station.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now