Chapter 10

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Willows POV

"Can I get a light?" I asked seeing Carl on the porch smoking and holding up a blunt for him to light it for me.

"Haven't seen you around much lately" Carl said handing me a lighter.

"Haven't been around much latley" I stated

"You fucken one of the boys next door?" Carl asked.

"Nah, they're to innocent. They like the whole dating and marriage thing" I said

"Well your last boyfriend was a possessive duche. We never saw you then, we never see you now, so you got another one?" Carl asked

"I hope not. Besides he hasn't even asked me out yet"

"He will. Never known someone who could resist a Gallagher" Carl said

"Maybe that's the problem" I said laughing.

"Willow, you smoke?" Embry questioned walking out of my house.

"Yet another Gallagher traight" Carl spoke for me.

"Does Seth know?" Embry asked

"None of his business." Carl said protectively.

"Tell him if you want, I really don't care" I said as Embry made his way down the steps.

"Okay" Embry said leaving

"While your at it why don't you tell him she drinks too and she's getting a little sour so she probably needs a good fuck. Snitch" Carl called after Embry as he made he's way to Sam's.

"You know they probably all heard that, you got to learn to be quieter" Fiona said walking out of the house

"Oh they definitely heard. But it doesn't really matter, I'm not trying to hide who I am" I said confidently before adding "well not most parts anyway"

"Willow, Seth and Jake  want to see you" Paul said coming over and wrapping an arm around Fiona.

"See you later than, stay cool" I said to Carl.

"Hey Jake,Seth what's up?" I asked walking to where they were at the entrance of the woods.

"Bella wants us to meet her in the woods" Jacob said

"Great" I said sarcastically. We walked into the woods Seth and Jacobs changing into their wolves behind a tree, before coming back to me. I got on Seth's back and we took off to where Bella wanted us to meet.

We get there and see Bella and Edward in the center of the field, Jasper several paces behind them. Jacob and Seth changed back while I walked towards them.

"Hey, Bella" I said

"Hey, Willow" She responded.

"You're not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob asks Edward

"He's doing it for me. Okay?" Bella says Jacob looks at her, then at Edward and shakes his head with distain

"Whatever. Just tell me the plan." Jacob said, Jasper steps forward slightly.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle. We need to lure the newborns with Bella's and Willows scent. It needs to end here." Jasper said

"Edward and I are going on a campsite, we want seth and willow to stay up there with us as well. But Even if Edward carries me, they'll still pick up our scents." Bella said

"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward said

"Dude, you really don't want to start comparing stinks." Jacob said.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now