Chapter 4

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Willows POV

"I thought if we made it out of the fight you were meant to show me how to have fun" I said

"What? I'm trying" Seth said.

"In what world is knocking things down with a ball fun?" I asked putting on the ridiculous bowling shoes.

"This one. Have you even tried bowling?" Seth asked

"No" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well its fun so give it a chance. Unless of course this isn't about bowling itself, its about you knowing I'm going to beat you" Seth said teasingly.

"In your dreams wolf boy" I said my competitive side coming out.

"Loser buys lunch" Seth challenged.

"You're on"

"I can't believe I lost, you said your never played before" Seth sulked while I happily out my nachos.

"Well considering you already bought lunch I'll tell you the truth... I cheated. Yeah I used my magic to make the ball knock down the pins" I said smugly.

"What no fair" Seth said.

"But I love you" I said knowing whenever I said it Seth was putty in my hands.

"I love you too" Seth groaned knowing he'd lost this fight, like he always does.

"I told Leah you were going to sing at the bonfire tonight" Seth said mulching on his hot chips.

"Why would you do that? I never agreed to sing"

"Yeah well now you can't get out of it, she said she sing with you"

"She did?"

"Guess she doesn't hate you as much as you thought." Seth said chasing me to smile.

"Guess not" I said happily.

"Mums really happy, this is going to be the first time she hears Leah sing since her and sam broke up with."

"Really? You said she didn't do it much anymore, not that she did not do it at all"

"Well sometimes she sings in the shower, but you can't really hear her clearly outside"

"Great" I mummbled.

"You're not for being her to sing, she wants to make an effort with you, she knows how hard you've been trying and how important it is to me. She's going to try from now on, she promised."

"She doesn't have to love me just because you do, you know"

"But she's going to have to get used to having you around. Just like you have to get used to vampire's being around" Seth said

"Don't remind me" I groaned.

"Just saying" Seth said.

"Yeah, I know, I know."


I'm currently at Sam and Emily's House talking with Seth, Jacob, Embry and Leah about Bella.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff. At least I'll get one thing out of it" Jacob said obviously thinking about ripping Edward apart, not that I can blame him.

"No, you won't. Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe." Sam said walking out of the house.

"Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the treaty says..."

"I say, Jacob. I say." Sam said leaving to join the others.

"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry said.

"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she comes back a vampire?" Seth asked.

"No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us." Leah said.

"Shut up, Leah." Jacob grumbled

"Would you just get over it? It's not like you've imprinted on her." Leah said as we look over at the other werewolves who have imprinted on their soulmates.

"At least they seem happy, some people are just lucky, I guess." Embry said glancing at Seth and I for a quick moment.

"Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it" Jacob sis angrily.

"Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella. I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have." Leah said looking at Sam with Emily. Ring ring

"Lip what's up?" I asked answering my phone

"I got bit by a dog, stitch it up for me?" Lip said over the phone, I looked next door and saw lip limping into the house.

"On the way" I said hanging up.

"I got to go guys, see you at the bonfire tonight." I said.

"You okay?" Jacob asked probably noticing the sad look on my face.

"Yeah I guess so, at least that what my genes tell me" I said bitterly.

"Winnie, I didn't mean you and Seth" Jacob sighed.

"Yeah well I wouldn't know, I dont even belong to myself anymore"

"You happy Jacob?" I heard Seth ask sarcastically as I walked away.

"Is she seriously ignoring me to talk to Leah? Of all people, Leah?" Jacob asked as we sat around the bonfire. I sat in between Seth and lean with Macon sitting beside Seth.

"Looks like it. You want anything to eat babe?" Seth said turning to me.

"I'm alright thanks for asking" I said smiling at Seth before turning back to Leah. "So than what happened?"

"I told him to shove it where the sun don't shine" Leah said finishing her story.

"Winnie please talk to me" Jacob complained.

"What do you want love Grinch?" I asked causing a few people to chuckle around the bonfire.

"Look in sorry about what I said, okay? I was just angry"

"Give me 5 bucks for ice cream tomorrow and I might forgive you" I said finally turning to look at Jacob and holding out my hand.

"You serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"Fine" Jacob said putting a five dollar bill in my hand.

"Apologie accepted, say anything like that again and I'll rip your balls off" I said

"I'm beginning to like you even more" Leah said happy with what I said to Jake.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now