Chapter 8

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Willows Pov

About an hour after my talk with seth I decided that I should go talk to Bella to see how she got involved in all this supernatural shit. I knocked on her door and waited for an answer.

"Hello" A man with a mustache said looking at me clearly confused.

"Hi, I'm Willow Gallagher, I'm friends with Bella. Is she here?"

"Willow, I've heard a lot about you. I'm Charlie, Bella's dad. Unfortunately she not in at the moment, went out with Jacob a while ago, she should be back soon, your welcome to wait inside"

"No, that's ok I'll wait out here" I exclaimed noticing the police car.

"Suit yourself." Charlie said walking back inside. After awhile of waiting Jacob pulled up just a Volvo screeches to a stop in front of Jacobs car, a guy gets out, moves directly for Jacob but Bella gets in his path.

"Not here, Edward. Please." Bella says clutching her hand.

"Bella what happened?" I asked rushing to where she stood in between a fuming Jacob and A vampire I think getting a good look at him.

"If you ever touch her against her will again." Edward says getting cut off by Bella.

"Don't do this." Bella warned

"She's not sure what she wants." Jacob rebuts.

"Jacob. Just go, okay." Bella said, But Jacob faces off with Edward. Behind them Charlie exits, sees the hostility between them. Heads for them

"Hey, hey, hey, hey... Easy guys, easy. Let's take it down a notch. Alright? What's going on?" Charlie asked.

"I kissed Bella. And she broke her hand... Punching my face." Jacob said causing me to giggle a little.

"I'll take her to Carlisle" Edward said.

"Okay, next time be more careful when you punch someone, make sure your doing it right to avoid the breaking of hands" Charlie said walking inside.

"I can take you to the hospital Bella" I said

"Its ok, Edward can take care off me" Bella said

"I'm very aware of what Edward's kind can do, which is why you should come with me" I exclaimed glaring at Edward

"I'll be fine" Bella said

"Are you seriously going to pick someone who is going to kill you one day, over Jacob?" I asked

"We're having a graduation party soon, you should come so I can explain some things to you." Bella said completely ignoring what I said.

"I can drive you home" Edward said politely

"Yeah I'd rather die, which is most likely what would happen if I rode home with you." I said before turning to Jacob. "Can you give me a ride?"

"Of course" Jacob said smiling obviously liking that I saw that creature for what he really is, a monster.

"I thought you didn't want to come" Jacobs said as he pulled up at my house to pick me up for Bellas grad party.

"That was until you decided to take my future boyfriend" I grumbled angrily slamming the front door to his car shut as I got in the passenger seat, seeing Embry, Quil and Seth in the back. Seth blushing at my comment while the other two snickered lightly.

"He's sixteen, what the hell are you doing taking him into the belly of the beast?" I asked

"He's a big boy, he can make his own decisions" Jacob said

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now