Chapter 2

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Willows pov
"How long do you think she'll sleep for?" Liam asked talking about franny

"Why?" Debbie asked

"Because if she screams again I'm going to throw her out the window" Liam said causing Debbie to Yelp and grab franny out of my arms to protect her, which in turn awoke Franny making her cry again.

"Thank god" Lip yelled from the front opening the door and exiting the car.

"We're here, finally" Fiona said making everyone rush out of the car to get away from the screaming baby.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, I've done everything I can think of" Debbie said sighing.

"It's fine debs she probably just wants to sleep in her cot, in an non-moving object, traveling can be a bit much for a baby sometimes that's all, you're doing good" I said getting out of the car to help unload the moving truck that's already out the front of our new house.

"I found two of your boxes and put them in the second biggest room before the others could claim it" Lip said smiling at me as I reached the back of the truck.

"Jeez I wonder what happened to the biggest room" I said sarcastically knowing Lip took it for himself.

"My love can only extend so far little sister" Lip said.

"And hear I was thinking I'd get that room because I'm older" Ian said.

"Age is just a number baby, maybe you can get the third?" I said

"Too late" Carl said walking out of the house.

"Seriously?" Ian asked

"You can get the fourth biggest if you hurry, Fiona and Debbie haven't gone in the house yet and Liam went straight to the toilet." Carl said causing Ian to grab one of his boxes and run inside.

"Where's Debbie and Fiona?" I asked

"Debbie's still in the car I don't know where Fi is" Carl said

"Chatting up the neighbour" Lip said nodding to Fiona talking to a shirtless tan man as he stared at her dreamily a few more boys sitting on the porch behind him, some of them snickering.

"Frank?" I asked

"Walked off Probably at a bar, have you seen Franny's cot?" Debbie asked walking over to us with a now sleeping franny in her arms.

"I put it inside not to long ago, come on, I'll help you set it up" Lip said patting Debbie on the back and leading her inside.

"Well..I'm going to go stir up Fiona" I said.

"Don't expect me to get your shit out." Carl said

"Wouldn't dream of it Carly bear" I said walking away from car, towards Fiona.

"Don't call me that" Carl shouted after me.

"Wow Fiona, we've been here what two minutes and you're already flirting with a guy, that's  got to be a new record" I said standing on my tip toes and flinging my arm around her shoulder

"Fuck off" Fiona said pushing my arm off of her.

"Don't mind her, she's still a little sour about the collapse of her almost marriage." I whispered loudly to the man she was talking to.

"I'm not sour, it doesn't bother me at all, it's like nothing ever happened" Fiona said

"He was an ex-druggie or so she thought, what better day to find out he's still using than your wedding day" I said

"You're not going to get to me, I'm completely zen" Fiona said taking a deep breath.

"I'm Willow, and you?" I asked.

"Paul" the man said with a deep voice that matched the way he looked.

"Be careful Paul, Gallagher's don't abort" I said causing Fiona to scream and try to attack me as I ran away from her, in the house and hid behind Lip.

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you just be normal for two seconds? Must it be your life's goal to cause shit?" Fiona asked me

"Woah calm down. What the hell's going on?" Lip asked

"Nothing" Fiona sighed. "This is a new town we don't have to be the same people we were before we have a chance to start fresh be whatever we want, fuck the past. If you want to be south side forever that's fine but don't drag the rest of us down with you, I want to be more than just a girl from the south side." Fiona said leaving the house to get more boxes out of the truck.

"She's right, I always thought we'd all be stuck there, expect for you, you're smarter and more talented than the rest of us, you've always had a chance, but now we're all out and this is a chance for all of us. Promise me you'll try, give this place a chance" Lip said

"I promise, but she is wrong too, no matter what we'll always be from the south side and I'm proud of that. We can be more than just that but it will always be where we're from" I said.

"I know, see what I mean, smart" Lip said smiling at me.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now