Chapter 3

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^^Willows room^^
Willows pov
"Paul invited us all over for dinner at Sam's, do you want to come?" Fiona asked entering my new room.

"No I want to finish painting so it can hopefully air out before bed. I'm sorry about how I acted today I was just trying to stir you, I didn't realise all of this was such a big deal to you, but now that I know I'll stop... Well while we're in front of people anyway." I said causing Fiona to chuckle.

"I'll bring you home a plate" Fiona said exiting my room as I continued to paint.
"Wow" Debbie said entering my room with a sleeping franny in one hand and food in the other.

"You like it?" I asked

"I love it, it's incredible. Franny has her own room now, do you think you could paint it?" Debbie asked

"Of course anything for my favourite niece" I said smiling.

"She's you only niece" Debbie said chuckling 

"Only niece we know about" I said making us both laugh

"Here Fiona asked me to bring this to you" Debbie said handing me the food.

"Frank show up tonight?" I asked taking a bite out of the burger on my plate.

"Nope" Debbie said

"Probably for the best, Fiona wants to have the apple pie life here. frank would just ruin that, like he ruins everything else"

"Yeah, who knows maybe we'll get a phone call saying he's in a drug induced coma and won't be waking up anytime soon" 

"Here's hoping. Thanks for the food. Are the neighbours nice?" I asked

"Nice to look at that's for sure. I don't know if any of them own shirts but I don't care" 

"They're all guys?"

"There's Two girls, Emily and Leah, Leah seems a bit bitchy though." 

"How many guys are there?"

"Well none of them actually live there accept Sam but he said the others are almost always over there, they're like brothers or something, there's Jared, Paul, Brady, Collin, Jacob, Quil, Embry and Seth but he wasn't there tonight apparently he's our age and Sam likes him to stay home studying a lot." 

"Poor Seth I hate study, never do it"

"And yet you pass everything" 

"Don't give me the smart speech I already got it from Lip"

"Ok I won't." Debbie said leaving the room.

*the next day*

"I stayed up all night, come look" I said walking in the kitchen as everyone was getting breakfast 

"I thought you finished your room last night?" Fiona asked

"I asked her to paint Franny's room" Debbie said

"And I did, come look" I said grabbing Debbie's wrist and dragging her down the hall to Franny's room

"And I did, come look" I said grabbing Debbie's wrist and dragging her down the hall to Franny's room

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"Do you think she'll like it?" I asked as everyone looked in the room

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"Do you think she'll like it?" I asked as everyone looked in the room.

"It's fucking incredible" Lip said

"She'll love it, thank you, thank you, thank you" Debbie said excitedly jumping up and down.

"I know how much she loves Tangled so I thought it'd be good" I said

"I'm going to go get her, she'll be so happy" Debbie said running out of the room.

"Did you also have something to do with the bathroom?" Ian asked with a knowing smile.

"The bathroom? Willow I told you you're not allowed to paint anywhere but your room unless asked" Fiona said

"No you said I couldn't paint anything guests could see if they came over for the day and they won't see it" I said. Fiona stormed off to the bathroom to see what Ian was talking about everybody except Debbie, franny and frank (who still wasn't home) following.

"I don't get it" Fiona said walking in the bathroom not seeing any paint.

"Turn the light off" Ian said

"Turn the light off" Ian said

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"Holy shit" Fiona said.

"I told you the guests won't see it because it will be too bright during the day for them too" I said

"Ok, nice loop hole you found. Anything else I should know about?" Fiona asked


"Good keep it that way, go find some shitty graffiti to paint over" Fiona said ruffling my hair and walking back to the kitchen.

"You never stop amazing me Willa" Lip said looking at the wall smiling.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now