Chapter 10

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Each of them was won over. Each was made to see. Carlisle convinced his Irish friends to make the journey to Forks. Although we were grateful for their help, their thirst for human blood complicated the situation. The nomads Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable. Especially Peter who had fought alongside Jasper as a newborn.

Willows pov
Jacob and I look around the room at all the vampires

"Lotta red eyes around here." Jake said

"They agreed not to hunt in the area." Bella said

"That's soothing" I sassed

"They'll feed somewhere." Jake added. As more vampires set foot in the territory, more Quileutes turned. Their nature compelling them to join the pack. Carlisle and Esme returned with our last witness.

"How many came?" Carlisle asked

"Eighteen. You have some good friends." Edward stated.

"If they were that good they couldn't feed on humans" I stated.

"Willow" Bella scolded

"Im trying to be nice, its not that easy to get over someone killing you. Baby steps, Bella"

Bellas thoughts
We opened our home to 18 vampires. Many with gifts of their own. Zafrina had power over the mind. She could make anyone see what she wanted them too. Everyone showed courage. Though we knew that Aro's army was moving against us. Soon we would face the dark gifts of Jane. And worse, the paralyzing vapor of her brother Alec who could rob you of sight, sound and touch.

Willows pov
"Why does it feel like we'll never stop fighting" I sighed as Seth and I say on a log.

"I don't know maybe we won't, maybe this is what we're supposed to do" Seth said

"I don't want to do it Seth, I don't want to fight anymore. I've been doing it my whole life and I'm sick of it. I just want to be with you"

"And you will be once we finish this fight I promise, no more"

"You can't promise that Seth"

"Than we'll run away, whatever you want. I dont care as long as I'm with you" Seth said leaning in and kissing me
"You're leaving aren't you?" Bella asked as I showed up at her house.

"How'd you know?"

"Alice saw it"

"Right" I mumbled.

"You're coming back, right?"

"Yeah, just a family vacation until the fights over. Paul did not Fiona anywhere near it and Embry wanted Ian away as well so they got this big family suit for us in new York. It must have been crazy expensive"

"I don't think they were planning on you going too" Bella stated

"I know, but I'm sorry Bella I'm not ready to be apart of another fight"

"Its ok. I don't really want you to be apart of it either, its going to be crazy. I'll see you soon though" Bella said pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, see you soon. Will you tell Seth I'm going? I don't have the heart to do it myself" I asked

"Of course" Bella said pulling away from the hug.

"Mummy, I'm sleepy" Renesmee said coming in the room.

"Well I guess that my cue. See ya. Bye Renesmee"

"Bye Willow" Renesmee said waving.

Bella's pov

"Mom." Renesmee spoke as we walked to her bed

"Hmm?" I hummed

"Did Aunt Alice, Uncle Jasper and willow run away because we're gonna die?"

"No. I think Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper left to keep us safer. That's what all these other people are here for, too. I'll never let anybody hurt you." I kiss Renesmees on her forehead and pull her close to me.

"Come here. Go to sleep." I say running fingers through her hair.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now