Chapter 5

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Willows pov

"I'm sure she'll be fine Charlie" I said from beside Billy as we sat on the couch listening to what Charlie said about Bella.

"Hey, Son" Billy said suddenly looking up to see Jacob was finally home.

"What's going on?" Jacob said referring to the look on Charlies face.

"Bella called him." Billy said

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Willow tells me you be been hanging out with her while bellas gone and Seth's at work." Charlie said to Jacob.

"So, you finally heard from Bella?" Jacob said, I slowly stood up and made my way beside Jacob knowing this wasn't going to end well.

"They're extending their trip. Seems she caught a bug. They wanna wait until she feels better before they travel." Charlie said

"She's sick?" Jacob asked

"Yeah, she told me not to worry, but she sounded, I don't know, off" charlie said.

"She'll be okay, Charlie. Come on. Let's eat. Jacob, let it go." Billy said but judging by the look on Jake face that not going to happen.

"Jake, you want to drop me home" I said

"I thought you two were meant to be doing something?" Charlie asked

"Just got a text from frank, better go" I said as make and I walked out the door.

"To the Cullens" I suggest as we made it to his bike.

"To the Cullens" he repeated as we got on the bike. Once we arrive I knock on the door.

"ls it true?" Jake asks as Carlisle opens the door.

"Hello, Jacob, Willow, how are you?" Carlisle says

"Listen, just give it to us straight" Jake demands.

"Jake, is that you?" We hear bella call from up the stairs

"She's here?" Jake asks as we storm past Carlisle and enter the house.

"They came home two weeks ago" Carlisle said.

"You didn't think to call" I said angry.

"Jake, Willow. I'm glad you came." Bella said as we made it up the stairs to where she was, we walk closer to Bella but Rosalie who is standing in front of her stops us.

'Close enough" Rosalie says.

"What's your problem, bloodbreath?" I asked

"Rose, it's okay." Bella says Jake and I sit beside Bella who's sitting on the couch covered by a quilt.

"You look terrible." Jake said to Bella smiling

"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too." Bella said

"So, are you gonna tell us what's wrong with you?" I asked still standing, not feeling very comfortable with all the vampires around. Bella stands up with Rosalie's help and we see she has a huge pregnant belly.

"You did this!" Jake growled at edward

"I didn't know it was even possible." Edward said

"What is it?" I asked

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac." Carlisle said

"I can't see it, either. And I can't see Bella's future anymore." Alice said

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing." Carlisle said

"Why haven't you done anything? Take it out of her!" Jake yelled

"This is none of your business, dog." Rosalie said

"Rose! All this fighting isn't good for Bella" Esme said.

"The fetus isn't good for Bella" Alice said.

"Say the word, Alice. "Baby." It's just a little baby" Rosalie said.

"Possibly" Jasper said.

"Carlisle, you've gotta do something."Jacob begged

"No. It's not his decision. It's not any of yours" Bella said.

"Jacob, I need to talk to you." Edward said causing him and Jacob to walk out.

"I hope you know what you're doing Bella" I said gently

"I do" Bella said smiling and rubbing her tummy and sitting down.

"Sam won't be okay with this. If you don't know what it is than you can't guarantee that it won't hurt anyone" I said looking to Carlisle.

"I hadn't thought of that" Carlisle said leaving the room along with the others apart from rosalie to try and think of something. Jacob comes back in the room.

"Rose, I'm fine, really." Bella said noticing how stiff she got when Jacobs entered, Rosalie left after Bella's words.

"So, Edward sent you in here to talk to me?" Bella said to Jacob.

"Sort of. Though I can't figure out why he thinks you'd listen to me. I mean, you never have before. Since when are you and blondie BFFs?" Jake asked Bella

"Rose understands what I want."

"What are you thinking, Bella? Seriously." Jake asked

"I know this seems like a scary thing, but it's not. It's like this miracle or something. I can feel him."

"So, it's a bouncing baby boy. I'm sorry I didn't know. Should've brought some blue balloons." Jacob said sarcastically

"It's just a guess. When I picture him, I see a boy. We'll see."

"You won't."

"Jake, I can do this. I'm strong enough."

"Come on. You can spout that crap to your bloodsucker, but you don't fool me. I can see what that thing's doing to you. It's a killer, Bella And when you die, what was the point? Of me loving you, you loving him. How is that right for anyone? Because I sure don't see it. Listen to me, Bella. Please. Just don't do this. Live, okay? Please." Jacob begs

"Jake, everything's gonna be okay." Bella says and Jacob gets up to leave.

"Jacob, don't go." Bella pleads.

"I know how this ends. And I'm not sticking around to watch." Jacob said leaving.

"I should take his bike back to Billy" I said seeing Jake left his keys on the table when he left, obviously he's shifting.

"Willow" Bella says

"Its ok Bella. It's your choice. I get it, this is the only chance you've got for a kid but please don't be blinded by that, if you can't handle it you need to say so" I said grabbing the keys.

"I can" Bella said determined

"I hope so" I said smiling softly as I left.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now