Chapter 14

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Willows POV

"You know you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Seth said as we sat down on a secluded part of the beach.

"I want to tell you" I said

"But the others will see my thoughts and know what we talked about the next time I shift"

"I can do I memory blocking spell to make sure no body else can see this memory even if your thinking about it"

"No! You said magic comes with a price, I don't want you getting hurt." Seth said

"I said strong magic comes with a price, a memory blocking spell is hardly strong magic, it won't hurt me" I said

"Ok than" Seth said nodding for me to continue.

"I wasn't born a witch I was made one 5 months ago. My ex boyfriend his name was Monty, when I first met him I knew there was something different about him, the way he talk, the way he dressed, it was like he was from a different century. I didn't know the things I know now, I was naive and he was a gentleman. He was the first guy that actually wanted to publicly date me, the rest of the guys I dated just wanted me because of the Gallagher's being 'easy' rumour that everyone in the town used to say. He liked going everywhere with me, always having an arm around my shoulder so people would know I was with him. But then he started to not let me talk to any of my friends that were guys and most of my friends were guys because I'd hang out with my brothers friends. But you know I just put it down to him being protective, then he started dragging me away from my girl friends so I could spend more time with him. I started spending less and less time at home because he wanted me to spend time with him. And I'd stayed at his for like a week when Fiona rang and said she wanted me home. So I went to leave and he wasn't happy about it." I said sighing, Seth grabbed my hand to show he was there for me as I looked out to the ocean.

"He punched me in the stomach and told me I wasn't allowed to leave without his permission. That was the first time he hit me. He let me go home and the next morning Lip walked in my room when a was changing I was wearing a bralett, but it didn't cover the giant bruise on my stomach. I was going to wear a flannel over it, so you couldn't see the bruise, but Lip has a habit of walking in my room when my injuries are showing. I obviously didn't tell him what happened, I told him I walked into the island in Monty's kitchen. I'm not sure if he actually believed me but he let it go. I honestly didn't think Monty would do it again but he did, again, and again, and again, time after time. I was to afraid to leave him, he always told me nobody would love me like he did, not in the place I lived and I believed him. Us Gallagher's have a pretty bad rep back home" I said

"He was wrong. When you love someone you can't bare the thought of them being hurt, let alone hurt them yourself" Seth said

"I know. You taught me that" I said finally looking at Seth tears brining my eyes, remembering my past isn't exactly something I ever wanted to do.

"I would never hurt you like that Willow" Seth said wiping a tear that had fallen.

"I know Seth" I said as he tucked my hair behind my ear to look at my face.

"You don't have to finish the story if you don't want to" Seth said staring into my eyes.

"After a while I realised he was way to strong for someone of his build, that he was always cold, that I'd never seen him in the sun, I started to question him. He didn't even try to hide that he was a vampire. He told me right to my face, only building onto my fear. He knew I wouldn't be able to ever escape him and he wasn't shy to tell me that. In fact he introduced me to his sister, he always acted like none of it was happening, like he wasn't beating me and we were some big happy family or something. His sister had red eyes, while Monty's were gold. He told me what the difference meant"

"Wait, he was an animal drinker" Seth asked


"That's why you're so against Bella being with Edward"

"Every time I see them, I see Monty and I. In the beginning we were just like them. Edward is already possessive of Bella, I know what the next step is if he doesn't get what he wants, she won't be able to fight him off if something goes wrong and I can't always be there to protect her. She can't see the things that could possibly go wrong, she only sees good in him. She doesn't know what could happen if she gets him mad." I said.

"I wish I could do more to put your mind at ease but we're already doing everything we can to protect Bella" Seth said

"Loves blind Seth, there's nothing we can do, she'll never understand until its too late"

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now