Chapter 4

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Willows Pov

I was sitting outside on the back porch reading my favourite book, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, when I saw a pale brown haired girl walking up to the house next door.

"They're not home" I told her.

"They're always home" she said looking at me confused

"Sam, Emily and Paul went out with my family to get some furniture for our house, I don't know where the rest of them are"

"Jacob asked me to meet him here"

"Well you can wait with me if you'd like, I can't promise I'll be entertaining company though." I said to the pale brunette.

"I'm Bella, I haven't seen you before, and how long ago did you move here?"

"Yesterday, hence the furniture shopping"

"Right, sorry" Bella said sitting down next to me.

"Why are you apologising? You didn't do anything wrong, I say things sometimes without thinking and end up sounding like a bitch, so if you want to talk to me you're going to have to learn not to apologise when I say things, I'm Willow." I said holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you. Do you know how long Sam will be? I don't think the others have a key" Bella said shaking my hand.

"No idea, but with my brothers and sisters anything is possible, so they may not even come back at all."

"Are they trouble?"

"We don't try to be, we just have a habit of attracting it"

"I'm an only child" Bella said not knowing how to respond to that and trying to keep the conversation going.

"I have four brothers, two sisters, one niece and one drunk stoner of a father."

"Your parents are separated?"

"They had an on and off relationship my whole life just to try and screw us up, but Monica, my mother, died'

"I'm sorry, my parents separated when I was young, I'm living with my dad now"

"You like him?"

"Yeah he's a good dad, doesn't hover"

"Bella" A boy shouted walking out of the forest with a few others.

"That's Jake I should go. Maybe we could hang out sometime" Bella said

"Maybe" I said

"Hey who's this?" The Jake boy said arriving to where Bella and I were talking pretty fast.

"This is Willow, she's one of Sam's new Neighbours. Willow this is Jacob Black, Embry Call and Quil Ateara" Bella introduced

"Nice to meet you Embry I've heard lots about you." I said referring to Ian telling me about his major crush on him last night, being the good sister I am deciding that it was now up to me to find out if he likes boys, knowing my brother would just flirt with the Embry boy without knowing. I don't want Ian to waste his time if this boy is straight.

"You have?" Embry asked, I hummed in response.

"Yeah, my brother Ian said you were really nice" I said watching his face to see his reaction.

"He did?" Embry asked his face lighting up.

"Yeah, he did, why don't you come inside I'm sure Ian will need someone to show him around when he gets back"

"Ok, I'll see you later guys" Embry said following me inside, getting a collective see ya from everyone.

"So where did Ian go?" Embry asked once we were inside

"Furniture shopping with my family."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"I don't need any furniture, so are you gay?" I asked bluntly.

"W-w-what?" Embry stuttered 

"Are you gay?" I asked again

"Yeah" Embry said quietly probably afraid I would judge him

"Good, so is my brother, and he's totally into you. You two could be as cute as Malac, you know minus the super awesome powers and stuff"I said assuring him that I was totally okay with him being gay.

"Ian?" Embry questioned


"Are you trying to set us up?" Embry asked a look of realisation crossing his face.

"Depends, is it working?"

"Yeah definitely" 

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now