Chapter 1

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Willows POV

"He's taking me to the park after he finishes patrol." I said to Jacob as we walked to his house. Ever since I healed Jacob we've been best friends. Whenever I'm not with Seth I'm with Jacob or following Leah around trying to get her to like me. I've never actually tried to get someone to like me before but she's Seth's sister, I have to try. Bellas been busy with the Cullen's lately planning the wedding, I'm not sure its really hit Jake yet that its happening but we both know he can't stop it.

"The park? Really? Why?" Jake asked.

"Why not?" I asked

"Isn't it a bit childish" Jacob asked hesitantly.

"Well I wouldn't know, I've never been. And Seth promised me that if we made it out of the fight unharmed he'd show me how to have fun, without doing anything illegal" I said giggling

"Man he's whipped" Jacob said laughing

"Shut up, it'll be you one day" I said, jokingly pointing my finger at him.

"Whatever you say Winnie" Jake said still laughing.

"Why did I heal you again?" I pretended to ask myself causing Jacob to pick me up and swing me over his shoulder.

"Jacob Black put me down" I squealed as he spun around in circles.

"Not happening" Jake said stopping the spinning and running to his house, he threw me down on the couch with a thump.

"Screw you black" I said blowing my hair out of my face.

"I love you too Winnie" Jacob said sarcastically.

"Now that's no way to treat a woman" Billy said rolling out from the kitchen.

"Hey, dad" Jake said smiling to his father.

"Any reason you've kidnapped Seths imprint?" Billy asked

"Thought if I held her hostage I could get some money out of Seth" Jake said playing along with his father.

"Nah you won't get a cent because as soon as you try to make a hostage video I'll set your ass on fire" I said clicking my fingers making fire appear out of my pointer finger.

"She's a real firecracker" Billy said said making me chuckle from the couch at Billy's bad dad joke, while Jacob groaned.

"Please no dad jokes ever again" Jake said pushing my legs aside so he could sit next to me on the couch.

"What times Seth picking you up, Willow?" Billy asked

"I don't know, whenever Sam gets some new child labour he can use instead of stealing my boyfriend" I said.

"So never" Jake said.

"Kids" Billy sighed leaving the room.

"Hey" Jake and I both protested.

"Hey baby" Seth said entering Billy's house to see Jacob and I watching Moana.

"Moana?" Seth questioned kissing my forehead, picking me up, stealing my spot on the couch and sitting me on his lap.

"She made me" Jacob said trying to keep his manliness as he stared in awe at the screen.

"I love this movie. I mean hei hei is the cutest freakin chicken" I said

"Want to watch it before we go to the park?" Seth asked sweetly

"Have I mentioned I love you?" I said turning my head to face Seth.

"Maybe once or twice. But I love you more" Seth said cheekily

"Not possible" I said kissing him.

"Alright get out of my house lovebirds" Jake said kicking us of the couch.

"Don't be such a love Grinch" I said to Jake faking annoyance.

"Get out of here losers" Jake said throwing a pillow at my face but Seth caught it before it could make impact causing me to poke tongues at Jake before leaving with Seth.

"I like it up here" I said as Seth and I sat ontop of the monkey bars at the playground after mucking around in the park for hours, the sun was starting to go down and I was no where near ready to go.

"Me too" Seth said reaching across to hold my hand.

"Thank you for today. It was fun" I said smiling at him

"Well I did say I would teach you how to have fun"

"I'm pretty sure the reason today was fun was because you were here, I always have fun when I'm with you" I said

"You know when Sam first told me about imprinting I was so confused, how could this force that didn't know me personally pick someone for me to love and than I met you. At first I didn't really know anything about you apart from the fact that you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, but now every time I learn something else about you I love you more then I did before, which I didn't even think was possible. And now I'm glad there's such a thing as imprinting because I'd never want to miss a chance to get to know you" Seth said

"When I was little I always wanted to be a singer, not like a professional famous singer but like the kind of singer that sings around the bonfire with her friends, like that stupid scene in camp rock were everyone joins in. I always wanted to be that person that Sang at a bonfire and people danced around while others joined in singing and it made everyone happy, like one big happy family even though they weren't all apart of your family"

"You can still be that. We're actually meant to be having another bonfire soon, we're getting some new wolves in."

"You really think so? I mean it was just something I wanted because I never really had a family that shows their affections towards eachother. But things are different now everyone's around more in the Gallagher household, franks clean and has a job, even if he for some reason think he's in his metoforical 30s and I have the pack now, they're my family, you're my family." I said

"Still couldn't hurt to sing around the bonfire, maybe even Leah will join you, she loves singing, she's really good too. She doesn't really sing as much anymore but you never know"

"I love you Seth but let's face it your sister hates me, and following her around probably just makes me seem annoying." I said

"She'll comes around, you just have to keep trying" Seth said

"Fine. But I'm doing this for you, you better be happy" I said leaning my head on his shoulder

"Never been happier" Seth said planting a kiss in my hair as we watched the sun go down. It was the perfect moment in time, I decided only one thing would make it better so I started singing everything has changed, with my head laid on Seth's shoulder and my finger intertwined with his. (Imagine the video up top is Willow singing)

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now