Chapter 5

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Willows Pov

"So I'm guessing the date went well" I said entering Ian's room the next morning seeing he wasn't alone in the bed.

"I never thought I'd be so happy my baby sister set me up" Ian said

"I never thought I'd end up in your bed after the first date." Embry said.

"It's the Gallagher charm. Breakfast is ready, when Lip gets up can you tell him I'm at the beach you know how protective he gets" I said directing the last bit to Ian.

"Nah I think I'll just let him worry, he babies you too much" Ian said smugly from the bed

"We've been through a lot together" I said referring too the many times I was there to help Lip get sober and the many times before that, when I would go to college with him to help with Liam after the whole Liam getting into the coke accident. Lip and I have always stuck together through everything from what happened with Karen to helping him get over his college professor, to finding his drunk buddies and helping them out. And after he found out my secret he's been stuck to me like glue and I love him for it, if it wasn't for him who knows what would have happened to me, but of course none of the others knew about what happened to me.

"Ok fine, I'll tell him, do you even know the way to the beach?" Ian asked

"Bella's picking me up" I said

"Who's Bella?" Ian asked

"She's friends with that Jacob kid that hangs out with Embry." I said.

"Ok and since when do you make friends? because last time I checked you're an antisocial little shit, that couldn't make friends" Ian asked

"Since I promised Lip I would give this place a chance, and since Fiona wants us to be normal, whatever that is. Besides it's not that I couldn't make friends it was that I didn't want to because you can't trust anyone on the south side" I said leaving the room.


"So what do people normally do for fun around here?" I asked Bella as we were driving to the beach.

"I don't know not much, Jake goes cliff diving sometimes"

"That sounds like fun"

"I thought so too, and then I nearly drowned'

"Well I'm a really good swimmer"

"The waves there are crazy"

"I understand if you don't want to but it sounds like something I want to do" I said

"I'm not going to jump in after you, I promised my boyfriend I'd never do something that reckless again.

"Ugh, Boooorrrring."

"You really want to jump off a cliff?"

"Don't be a hypocrite and yes I want to." I said

"Well Jake was meant to be going cliff diving with some of his friends I could see if he's still doing it, if you really want to."

"Please, I do"

"Okay, I'll call him" Bella said pulling over to the side of the road.

"Hey Jake, remember how I said I was hanging out with Willow today... She wants to go cliff diving, I was hoping she could tag along with you while I watch from the sidelines... Ok see you soon." Bella said hanging up the phone

"What'd he say?" I asked

"They're at the cliff now, he said they'd wait until we get there" Bella said putting the truck in drive again.

"You know your car goes pretty fast for a shit box" I said as Bella sped to meet up with Jacob.

"I don't think that's a compliment" Bella said

"It was meant to be"

"Oh, thanks than, I guess" Bella said stopping the truck. I could see shirtless tan boys ahead of us through the woods as we got out of the truck. Walking towards them I could make out the faces of Quil, Jacob and Paul.

"Hey Willow I hear you think you can take on the great leap into the ocean" Jacob says walking over to us the others following behind him

"I know I can" I said causing a few of them to chuckle at my confidence.

"Okay. Willow this is Sam Uley, Jared Cameron, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea and Seth Clearwater, Guys this is Willow Gallagher she lives next door to Sam." Jacob introduced.

"Littlesea and Clearwater, you guys like the beach?" I asked giggling a little causing Collin to grumble something under his breath.

"Your friends staring" I said to Jacob bluntly looking at Seth as he stared at me like I was the first girl he'd ever seen. Now I have to admit he was hot, like really, really hot but no boys ever looked at me the way he is now and its kinda freaking me out, it's like he already knows everything about me and loves me anyway, that doesn't even explain how his gaze make me feel, the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. What the hell is wrong with me? One look from this guy and my legs are like jello.

"Seth" Quil hissed gaining his attention.

"Hi, I'm Seth" he said holding out his hand for me to shake.

"I heard, I'm Willow" I said shaking his hand, feeling sparks as I did causing me to stare at Seth as he continued to look at me.

"We should jump now" Brady said clearing his throat and snapping Seth and my gaze from each other.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now