Chapter 3

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Willows POV

"Oh, wow this is...nice" I said looking at the set up for Bella's wedding, it being way too flashy for my taste making me feel a little uncomfortable and out of place.

"You don't want a wedding like this, do you?" Seth asked cringing at the over the top wedding

"Oh god no, let's get married on the beach" I said nodding while looking around at everything

"I like that idea" Seth nodded hurriedly.

"You two are adorable" Sue said guiding us towards our seats. Not to long after we sat the classical music started playing and we all stood up for Bella's arrival.

"She looks beautiful" I whispered to seth upon seeing Bella.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me." The Minister said

"I, Edward Cullen. Take you, Bella Swan. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer, for poorer.ln sickness and in health. To love. To cherish. As long as we both shall live." The minister said and Edward repeated. Then the minister did the same with bella
"I do." Edward said
"I do." Bella said They kiss and everyone stands and claps.

"I'm going to a get a drink" I said to Seth as we waited at the reception for Bella to arrive.

"I'll go with you" Seth said getting up to follow me.

"Sit, Stay" I said causing Seth to do what I said while pouting.

"Good boy" I said pecking his lips and walking off but not before hearing Sue and Billy burst out laughing at Seth. I walked around looking for a drink when I saw a group of people staring intensely at the cake.

"Just thought it'd be bigger." One of the girls said.

"If it was any bigger it'd fall over" I said causing the group to jump a little.

"Hi, guys." Alice said walking up to us.

"We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know, just saying." The same girl said

"Well, thanks so much. You don't think it's too much?" Alice asked getting a round of no's from the group.

"I do, but I'm from the south side, what do I know?" I said causing Alice to giggle. "I'm going to see Bella" I said excusing myself as I saw her talking to some vampires.

"Oh Willow, drinks are to the right of the stage" Alice said just before I left.

"How'd you- you know what I don't want to know. Thanks" I said walking away from Alice and over to Bella.

"These are our cousins from Alaska. Tanya, Kate Eleazar and Carmen." I heard Edward say as he pointed the people out to Bella. "And someone else would like to say hello" Edward said looking over to me.

"Willow" Bella said smiling and pulling me into a hug.

"You look beautiful Bella. I'm guessing you did not pick the dress" I said hugging her back.

"I didn't pick anything" Bella said laughing. "Oh these are-"

"I know I heard, more bunny eaters I need to get used too" I said cutting off Bella.

"Willow" Edward said disapprovingly.

"Edwierdo" I retorted before turning back to the leeches. "Nice too meet you" I said trying not to gag as the words left my mouth.

"Welcome to the family." Eleazar said to Bella.

"Thank you." Bella said to him.

"Irina.Come meet Bella." Carmen said looking at a woman standing not to far behind them. Irina however was busying staring at Billy and Seth, she turns walks over to Carmen.

"I can't do this." Irina said

"You promised." Tanya said

"They invited one." She said looking at Seth with disgust.

"Irina, he's our friend." Edward said

"She should definitely leave before I tear her apart." I said with just as much disgust as she used when talking about Seth.

"They killed Laurent." Irina said looking at Edward.

"He tried to kill Bella." Edward said

"I don't believe that. He wanted to be like us. To live in peace with humans. With me."

"Obviously not enough, leech" I said crossing my arms over my chest causing Irina to walk away.

"Well. Let's not monopolize the bride. Congratulations." Eleazar said

"Sorry." Tanya said as They all walked away.

"Well, what's a wedding without some family drama?" Edward said

"Yeah. Thanks for trying Willow, maybe try a little harder next time" Bella said smiling sheepishly at me.

"I was trying really, really hard not to kill that blonde bitch" I said before walking away to sit back at my table with Seth.

"I saw you got distracted so I got your a drink" Seth said as I sat.

"You're such a good boyfriend" I said smiling.

"Excuse me. Is this on? Hello? Umm, I'd like to propose a toast. To my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years. 'Cause you won't be getting any more for a while." Emmett said into the microphone causing me to falmpalm at how much of an idiot he is sometimes.

"Does he realise what he just said?" I asked

"I don't think so" Seth answered. Then bellas friend Jessica did a speech about Edward" being  The Hair and charlie gave the best speech ever about being a cop and knowing how to hunt somebody to the ends of the Earth. Alice gave a toast about fashion and Renee sang a song while crying, all together a barrel of laughs for the audience probably very embarrassing for Bella. Esme gave a nice speech excepting Bella into the family then it was Edwards turn.

"It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to. And who will accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. And with Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever." Edward said.


Bella and Edward are about to leave to go on their honeymoon, I'm standing by wait in by for Renee and Charlie to finish saying goodbye.

"So, he really won't tell you where he's taking you?" Renee asked

"No, it's a surprise." Bella sais

"Well, wear a hat. Sunscreen. Take care of yourself."

"I will."

"I love you, Bella."

"I love you." Bella said hugging her mum.

"Everything's packed and ready to go." Charlie said once Renee and Bella pulled away. Renee leaves.

"Well... It's gonna be strange, you not living under my roof." Charlie said to Bella

"Yeah. It's gonna be strange for me, too."

"You know it will always be your home, right?"

"I love you, Dad. Forever." Bella says as She hugs Charlie.

"I love you, too, Bells. I always have and I always will." Charlie said pulling away and standing back so I could hug Bella.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I whisper into the hug.

"More than anything" Bella said

"All right. Go on. You don't wanna miss your plane. Wherever it's going." I said pulling away.

"Bye willow"

"Bye Bella."

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now