Chapter 2

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^^Outfit for the wedding.^^
Willows pov

"You look beautiful" Fiona said as I stood in her room looking in the mirror.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your dress, I realty can't afford one right now" I said turning and smiling at Fiona.

"Looks better on you anyway" she replied

"That's because in paler than you, makes the red pop" (the story of my life)

"You should keep it, I have plenty of dresses." Fiona said


"Do I need to drive you?" Fiona asked

"Seth's mums driving me" I said

"Seth, huh? Things seem to be getting pretty serious there"

"They are" I said blushing.

"Could there possibly be a future?" Fiona asked smiling her head off, obviously happy that I had found someone and calmed down in my recklessness.

"There could"

"You're not going to give my much, are you?" Fiona asked


"Fine, just answer one question"

"One. Only one" I said hesitantly.

"Do you love him?" Fiona asked leaning against the doorframe.

"Yes." I said sitting on the bed to put my shoes on.

"Does he love you?" Fiona asked

"You said one question" I pointed out

"Does he?"

"Does Paul love you?" I asked knowing the answer.

"You're so annoying" Fiona said

"You were the one prying"

"I wasn't prying"

"Yes you were and yes he does. You going to let me out of the room now?" I asked standing from the bed trying to get out the door Fiona was blocking the way of. She moved out of the way and gestured me out.

"Thank you" I said walking down the stairs.

"Woah who are you and what'd you do with my sister?" Ian asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Haha very funny" I said sarcastically.

"Hi where's the- woah" Carl said talking in the kitchen cutting off what he was saying when he saw me giving me a look of shock.

"Its bad isn't it" I asked concerned at how the boys were acting

"Are you wearing a dress?" Carl asked staring at me like he was in a parallel universe.

"I wear dresses" I said

"No you don't" Ian commented

"Ok so maybe I don't, but I can" I said

"Yeah we can see that. You're not turning into a girl on us, are you?" Carl asked

"I've always been a girl Carl" in said annoyed.

"Yeah but not that girl" Carl said gesturing to the dress.

"What he means to say is, you're not really a girly girl. You know like Debs with the dresses and the love and babies thing" Ian said.

"Not planning on having a baby anytime soon" I said

"Good! I don't want another devil spawn running around" Liam yelled walking the in kitchen

"Are you wearing a dress?" Liam asked upon looking at my appearance.

"DEBS!" I shouted getting sick of the boys 'are you wearing a dress' comments.

"WHAT?" she yelled back.

"COME TO THE KITCHEN!!" I yelled. Debs walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, as soon as she saw me she squealed.

"Omg, you look so good. Let me do your hair, please" Debbie said

"Now that's how sibling's are meant to react." I said pointing at Debbie's forming jumping up and down with excitement.

"No, that's how chicks are meant to react" Carl said

"Can it Carl" Debbie said grabbing my hand and dragging me to her room to do my hair.

"I'm thinking waves" Debbie said looking at me in concentration.

"Whatever you want debs" I said causing her to get to work.

"Your boyfriends here" Ian teased from the door, after debs had been doing my hair for about 10minutes

"You almost done debs?" I asked

"Two more strands of hair" Debbie said

"Done" Debbie said letting me go so I could leave.

"Hey" Ian said grabbing my arm as I went to walk out of Debbies room. "You look good, Have fun" he said letting me go.

"Thanks Ian" I said and kissed his cheek as I left.

"I know wedding are romantic and all but don't do anything I wouldn't do alright?" Lip said from the couch as I walked through the living room.

"So do whatever I want than, got it" I said giggling.

"Ok, don't do anything I would do" Lip called after me as I made it to the front door.

"Bye Lip" I said closing the door and walking to Seth's car.

"Hey" I said to Seth giving him a peck on the lips as I entered the car.

"You look beautiful Lo" Seth said as soon as he saw me.

"Thanks" I whispered to him blushing.

"Thanks for driving me Mrs Clearwater" I said putting on my seatbelt.

"No problem. And call me Sue, you're going to be apart of this family one day its going to get weird if you call me Mrs Clearwater the rest of your life" Sue said putting the car in drive and driving out of the driveway.

"Mum" Seth whisper-yelled embarrassed.

"What it's true?" Sue said

"You can't just go around saying that to girls, you'll scare her away" Seth whispered to his mum loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm not that easily scared" I said causing Seth to lean back in his seat blushing because I heard him.

"See" Sue whispered back to Seth.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now