Chapter 15

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Willows POV

"Eventually Lip found out what was going on, he wanted to go and kill Monty on the spot, I managed to stop him, with a lot of difficulty, but I managed. I told him what Monty was and that he could not defeat him, that Monty would kill him easily. At first he did not believe me, which I can understand I probably sounded like a crazy person. But eventually he believed me and when I asked him why he believed me he said to was because he had never seen so much terror in some ones eyes, espically mine because I was never afraid of anything. That was true before Monty I had never truely been afraid of anything, but he could bring out the fear in anyone just by looking at them, I never saw it before he hit me but after the first time he hit me, I saw it what everyone was so afraid of, why my friends warned my he was trouble, I saw the truth. I saw it too late."

"Lip was confident he would find a way to save me. I did not think he'd be able to. He drop me off everyday and wait  in the car down the street most days incase something happened then he puck me up in the afternoon. Monty could sense him and asked if I told Lip anything, I'd always tell him no, that Lip was just concerned about how much time I was spending with Monty. He believed me. One day he said he couldn't sense Lip anymore that he must trust Monty with me now. I didn't want to believe it because Lip knew what was going on. But when I looked out the window Lips car wasn't in his normal waiting spot and I couldn't see it anywhere, I knew Monty was telling the truth."

"He left you?" Seth asked starting to shake with anger.

"Hey, let me finish the story" I said, gently placing a hand on Seth shaking form, grabbing his bicep lightly in comfort.

"Sorry" Seth said calming down.

"So Lip was gone, I'd been there a while now playing nice so I wouldn't get hurt. We were watching a bunch of old TV shows Monty liked through his years. He got he angry about some small stupid thing I asked about a TV show we were watching and the next thing I know Monty latches his teeth into my left side right under my bra. I feeling of his teeth tearing through my skin is the worst pain I'd ever felt. He pinned me to the ground and I could not move, not even an inch. I don't know how long I layed on the floor with him on top of my sucking the blood out of me, but it felt like forever. I could feel the life leaving me, when suddenly he was pulled of. I could hear the fighting and see the blurred figures but I couldn't tell what was happening, I couldn't consentrait on anything that was happening around me I was drifting off and then everything went dark. And I died"

"Woah, I'm sorry take that back a bit, you what?" Seth asked

"I died"

"Ok, I'm going to need an explanation for that one" Seth said

"I died and a witch named Prue brought me back to life. When I awoke I still was still very woozy, I could feel myself dying again but slower than the first time. Prue slashed her wrist and told me that if I wanted to live I had to drink. So I drank her blood and as I did I could feel myself coming back to life. She used a blood spell to wake me luckily before my soul passed on. Very powerful magic, it connects me to her for life or until I repay the favor by saving her life. Her blood will call to me if she's ever in danger and I'll find her and help her." I said

"What if she's dies?" Seth asked

"If she dies an unnatural death and I did not try to save her I will die as well, but if I try to save her and do not succeed I will not die because I tried. If she dies a natural death I will not die" I said.

"Why'd she save you?"

"Lip. After I drank her blood I looked up and the first thing I saw was Lip"

"The only reason he left me was to finalise the deal he made with the witch to kill Monty and save me

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"The only reason he left me was to finalise the deal he made with the witch to kill Monty and save me." I said smiling.

"What deal?" Seth asked curious

"Well apparently our house was built on the land where the used to burn witches at the stake. Lots of Prue's ancestors were burnt there along with other witches, their relics remain there giving it spiritual value to Prue and also makes it kind of a big power source because you can harness the dead witches powers. So Lip and Fiona signed over all rights to the house. Fiona didn't know why she had to do it, all Lip told her was that I was in trouble and if she didn't sign the house away I'd die. She still doesn't know what actually happened but I'm alive and that's good enough for her. The others have absolutely no idea why we left at all. But we actually ended up staying in the house longer than we were meant to because I somehow became a witch in the process of Prue saving me. She thinks I might have had some powers previously and that they were just doormant but it did not matter she helped me learn how to control and use my powers over 4 months and than we left and moved here."

"I'm sorry all that happened to you" Seth said squeezing my hand in comfort

"Its okay. It lead me here, to you. Seth....I ...I"

"Whatever it is you can tell me" Seth said cupping my cheek

"Seth. I love you"

"I love you too" Seth said smiling and leaning in to kiss me.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now