Chapter 13

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Willows Pov

A massive fire burns as the Cullens and the wolves hurriedly drag what's left of the newborns to it for the incineration. A purple-black smoke rises. Edward, Bella, Seth and I race out of the trees,

"How long?" Edward asks

"A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice says

"They timed their arrival well." Rosalie said

"Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." Emmet said

"What's she doing here?" Edward asked looking at a teenage girl cowering behind the Cullen's

"We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it." Esme said

"Williow and The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle said

I hear a vicious snarl coming from behind Jacob in the woods, where Leah-wolf is cornering one last male newborn who was hiding. Leah charges

"Leah, don't!" Edward yelled

The male newborn maneuvers out of her way, spins and grabs her ruff, fiercely yanking her off her paws but Jacob leaps on the male newborn, tackling him they roll into the clearing where Jacob bites And piece of his face off. But the male newborn gets his arms around Jacob and crushes him

"Jacob!" Bella and I shout. The other wolves are instantly there and pounce on the male newborn, their teeth forcing him to release Jacob who crumples to the ground. As they pull him apart I ran to Jacob's side Bella following me as Edward and Carlisle appear at Jacob's sisde.

Jacob  transforms into a human, naked, grotesquely twisted and broken, barely able to breathe. Carlisle quickly examines him as he writhes in pain; Edward steadies him, gripping his hand.

"The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." I heard Carlisle say as I dropped to Jacob's side, Bella following right beside me.

"Bella." Jacob groans out

"Jake, I'm right here." Bella says. Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Seth Quil and Leah, now in human form race up.

"Jacob, you idiot. I had it." Leah said

"Leah." Sam scolded

"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle said

"We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi." Edward said

"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam said

"I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle said

"Hang in there, Jake." Bela said. Jacob cries out in pain as the pack lifts him, to take him to Billy's, me following close behind.

Its not long before we get to Billy's the pack placing him down gently in his bed. Sam puts some pants on him, the boys not wanting their imprints to see that.

"Give him some space, we'll wait outside for Carlisle" Billy said noticing there was nothing they could do causing everyone to quickly scatter not like seeing Jacob in pain, everyone except me. Sam and Seth took notice of this.

"Willow" Sam said gaining everyone attention as I knelt beside Jake.

"Shh, its going to be ok. But this is going to hurt" I said to Jacob placing my hand lightly on the right side of his ribs, closing my eyes.

"Quod sit ex amore in corde meo,
Omnibus copiis venio invocavero scire,
Aqua, ignis, terra, aer,
Et dea est Deus,
Virtutes in ipso
Et potestatibus in Jacob,
Hoc omnium decernente sententia pugnare;
Fac ut semper sanis potentissimus fuit
Hoc est testamentum,
Ita sit ". I whispered


Its meant to say: It is with love in my heart, That I call upon every force I've come to know, Water, fire, Earth, and air, The God and Goddess,The powers within myself, And the powers within Jacob, Help him fight this,Make him as healthy and powerful as he ever was, This is my will, So let it be. In Latin, don't kill me if its wrong, I tried.)

I felt a flicker of Jacob's pain emitt through my body as I heard him yell out in pain as all his bones are snapped back in their right position, before I felt the pain vanish not just from me, but from Jacob.

"How do you feel?" I softly asked, opening my eyes and removing my hand.

"I feel fine" Jacob said slowly. "How'd you do that?" He asked sitting up not feeling any pain at all.

"I'd like to know the same thing" I heard Sam ask from the door. I turned to see Sam there with arms crossed, everyone else mere steps behind him staring at me dumbfounded, expect Seth who stared at me as if I was the most incredible creature on the planet.

"Magic" I answered, as I heard a car pull up to the house.

"What happened above your eyebrow? You've got a cut" Seth asked worriedly, kneeling down beside me. I lifted my hand above my eyebrow and saw a small amount of blood as I lowered my hand and looked at it.

"Strong Magic always has a price. A cut is a small one compared to Jakes whole right side being crushed." I stated simply as Bella and Carlisle entered the room.

"Jake" Bella sighed confused and happy to see him sitting up.

"It appears you find need my help after all" Carlisle said looking at Jacob strangely. As Seth and I stood from the floor.

"Willow healed him" Seth said happily, like the proudest boyfriend in the world.

"How?" Bella asked looking shocked.

"Magic, apparently" Leah said astounded.

"So Edward was not imaging that he saw you throw Riley away from Seth without even touching him?" Carlisle asked

"He wasn't" I stated.

"You've got some explaining to do" Paul said.

"I have nothing I need to say to any of you except Seth" I said.

"So you're just not going to tell the rest of us what you are?" Leah asked

"I'm a witch" I said grabbing Seth's hand leading him away from the others to a place we could talk privately.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now