Chapter 6

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Willows pov

Seth and I walked down the beach after everyone finished cliff diving, never straying to far from Bella and Jacob who are in the car park sitting in the back of Bellas ute, everyone else left for lunch at Sams.

"So your brother pretended to date a girl so nobody would know he was gay, but the whole time he was dating her brother?" Seth asked me

"Yes, which is why I think Embry will be good for him" I said

"Your family's very interesting" Seth mused

"In a good way, I hope"

"In a 'I don't ever want to mess with any of you' kinda way"Seth said

"That's true, we'll destroy you" I laughed.

"Willow" Bella called from the ute.

"I better get going, I'm meant to look after Franny anyway, so Debs can try get a job" I explained

"Ok, See you round, Lo"

"Lo?" I asked

"Yeah, I like that nickname" Seth said

"No ones ever called me that before" I smiled.

"Well I'm glad to be the first"

"Bye Seth" I said making my way to Bellas ute.



"We're having a bonfire tomorrow night, Bellas going, come?" Seth asked

"I'll think about it" I answered walking away smiling, already knowing deep down that my answer was yes.

"You look nice" Lip said looking at me as I looked in the outfit in the mirror. (Outfit above)

"You think?" I asked twirling causing Lip to sigh

"I don't think you should go tonight"

"What?" I asked sadly

"It's just a little weird that that nobody else in the family got invited" Lip explained

"Fiona asked Paul, he said they didn't have enough food and that Seth wasn't even really supposed to invite me, he just did"

"Willa I'm just trying to protect you, your going out with a bunch of boys you bearly know, in a new town you bearly know, with none of us to protect you"

"You know who I'm going with and where I'm going, it would be stupid for them to try anything Lip and I promise if I feel uncomfortable at any time I'll call you, besides Bella will be there"

"And what's Bella going to do if something goes wrong, have you seen that girl she's scrawny."

"Please Lip, just one night then you can lock me up in a padded room where no one can hurt me" I said sarcastically

"Just be careful tonight"

"I will, I can handle myself you know. You taught me how to do that" I said trying to calm his nerves.

A shameless love 💕 Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now