Chapter 4

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After I calmed down and pizza arrived Jerica, Ariel and I curled up together on the pull out bed with the pizza. Jerica was in shock that Ariel tucked 4 pieces away by himself on top of eating all of his happy meal. When it came time for bed Ariel changed into his pajamas that I had bought him two Christmas's ago and were far too small for him, he seemed sad but didn't say anything. 

"What's wrong Ari?" I whisper as I tuck him in bed. 

"They didn't let me keep Teddy." He mumbles and my heart breaks, his father had gotten Teddy for him when he was born and it was the only piece of him my mother allowed him to keep.... Well until now at least.

"I have a teddy, I know it's not Teddy but you can have him." I whisper, his bright green eyes light up and I smile down at my little brother. "Be right back." I say before jobbing into my room and grabbing the old teddy my dad had gotten me. Ari's eyes light up as I hand him the small bear. "We'll go shopping, get you some new clothes and buy you some toys tomorrow ok? I know I can't replace Teddy but maybe we can find a good friend for you." I whisper as I brush a curl off his forehead.

"Are they ever going to come back?" He asks with tears in his eyes.

"I don't know sweetie but I'm here and I'll never leave you." I assure him.

"You promise?" Ariel whispers weakly.

"I promise."


He fell to sleep shortly after giving me a few hours to straighten up before Xander got home, He really is a good guy and a great match for me. One of our bonds was over the fact that neither of us wanted children but as I get older the itch is there more and more, I can't help but think that maybe I could change his mind. Especially with a child of our own.

My reasoning was that I didn't want to be a shitty mother like my own, his reasoning is that he doesn't know what a real parent is.

My mind trails to Ariel's dad, to be honest I don't even know where he is now. Harry and I were never really close, we were friendly but not close. He never called me by my full name either, it was always Angel in his thick British accent. Shit, what if he went back to England?

No, he couldn't of. I may not know him well but I know he'd never leave his son even if the courts sided with my mother on custody. But now I have custody. 

Something told me to look through Ariel's bags, the duffel was full of clothes that were too small for his five year old frame. Most of the clothing reeked of cigarette smoke so I took what could still fit him, which wasn't much, and threw it in the washer. In his backpack were all of his papers, he's behind on his vaccinations of course. I roll my eyes reading through all of my mother's neglect, he hadn't attend preschool which is fine but they had some old lady next door watch him. Well more like sit him in front of the TV and watch QVC all day.

He's to start kindergarten this September so I have just over a month to figure all of this out. One paper stuck out to me, it had been drafted a month ago and stated that I was now the legal guardian of Ariel.....

They had been planning this all along.

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