Chapter 62

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Gemma goes on and on about her plans for our engagement party while I stare off towards the courtyard, the staff had moved us to larger table so the kids had their own seats. They were snacking on fruit and coloring while Gemma explains all of her ideas.

My heart begins to pound rapidly as my father and Harry enter from the courtyard, my dad has his hand on Harry's shoulder and they're.....Laughing?

I glance at Harry and he smiles before kissing my cheek and sitting down next to me, "I was just telling Harry how thankful I am for you to be away from that ass-"

"Awesome baseball player." Harry interrupts him as he looks over at the kids, my dad chuckles and nods.

"Have you two come up with a date?" He asks.

"I don't know, maybe late summer or fall?" I shrug as I look over at Harry, "I don't want to be engaged for a long time but I don't think I could plan a wedding while completing my final year of school." I add, Harry and my dad both nod while Gemma bites her lip.

"That's what you have me for!" She chirps and Harry chuckles.

"Ezra this is my sister Gemma and her daughter Alexa, Gem this is Angel's dad." Harry introduces them formally.

"Your daughter is beautiful, such interesting eyes." My dad says as he looks at Alexa, she looks just like Ariel. Same hair color and curls but her eyes are an extremely light pale blue.

"Thank you, only thing she inherited from her father thank God." Gemma mumbles, she had gotten pregnant by her long time boyfriend but once she told him he split.

Harry had helped her best he could but at that point he was still under my mother's control, once he was out from under her and had taken over Liam's company he move then made up for it by paying off her student loans and buying her a house in a good neighborhood.

"Ok so I need a list for the invites so I can get them out right away since we only have a few days." Gemma says breaking me out of my thoughts, Harry goes through his phone and gives her the names and numbers of everyone he wanted to invite while I look at my dad.

"All I have is you and Jerica." I whisper and he shakes his head.

"And her mother, your aunts and uncles, your co-workers and your cousins." He reminds me and I nod before pulling my phone out and going through everyone in my contacts, be the end of it Harry and I had come up with a guest list of a hundred and fifty people which really surprised me.

"I've gotta get Lex to ballet so I'll get the invites out, all you two need to do is get outfits and show up." She says before she and Alexa bid us farewell.

Ariel stares at my father, he tilts his head and looks at me before looking back at Ariel.

"So are you my grandpa or not?"

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