Chapter 19 pt.2*

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Harry- (From the beginning of the morning)

"Harry?" Her voice whispers softly, shivers shoot down my spine as her lips ghost against my skin. My eyes flutter open to see her large brown eyes gazing up at me as she kisses down my chest.

"Angel." I moan as her tongue traces my laurels, she moves down more and her lips brush against my pajama clad arousal. My body has been aching for release ever since she interrupted Taylor and I days ago. "Please don't tease me baby." I grunt, she looks up at me innocently and bites her lip as she slips her fingers below my pajama pants and boxers. I shift my hips up and allow her to tug them down in one movement letting my now fully hard arousal to slap against my abs.

"Damn." She says as her eyes widen and takes in my size, I suck in a breath as I feel her warm tongue glide from between my balls and up my length before I feel her lap at the precum dripping from my swollen tip.

My arousal looks even more massive in her small hands, she grasps the base of my shaft firmly before taking me into her mouth. My hands fist at my curls and I look down at her, Angel looks up at me with those big brown eyes and plump pink lips wrapped around my throbbing manhood causing me to moan loudly as I fight back the urge to spill down her throat immediately.

"Mm you like that?" She says teasingly after pulling her lips off of me, she licks them and looks up at me.

"Shut up." I grunt and tangle my fingers in her hair, she smirk and takes me as deep as she can causing my hips to buck against her. "Fuck your mouth feels so good." I moan as I hit the back of her throat over and over again, just as I'm about to lose it I sit up and pull her off of me before yanking the shirt covering her bare body over her head. My large hand caress her breasts as my other cups her jaw and pulls her towards me.

The minute our lips touch is electrifying, it's like I had never been kissed before. Her plump lips fit to mine like they were molded for each other's. She gains the upper hand and pushes me so my back is against the back of the couch before straddling me. I moan against her lips as I feel her slick folds brush against me.

"Fuck me Harry." She whispers against my lips, Angel moans loudly as I slide my swollen tip up and down her slit before plunging deep into her core. "You're so big." She moans and her eyes roll back as I fill her up completely.

"God you feel so fucking good." I whisper as my large hands grip her hips and find a sinfully slow rhythm.

Now I'm not like most guys, I don't like it hard and fast. Ok Hard yes but I find slower movements so much more pleasurable and with the way Angel is quivering around me, I think she does too. My slow, tortuous movements are driving her crazy so she grinds her hips against me. She moans loudly as her movements apply pressure to her pulsating clit, within five more thrusts her walls are squeezing around me as I reach my end.

"Shit shit shit shit." I jump off the couch, my breathing is labored as I'm so close to my release. I blink the sleepy fog away and see that it's 7am, hopefully she's still asleep. I sneak into her room to see her and Ariel snuggled up still sound asleep, quietly I tiptoe into her bathroom before closing, locking the door and turning on the shower.

What the fuck was that? I haven't had a dream like that since I was a damn teenager.

My still rock hard arousal slaps against my stomach as I yank down my pajamas and boxers before getting into the shower. I'm really sorry for what i'm about to do but I'll be damned if I'm going another moment without a release.

The hot water hits against my back as I spit in my hand and wrap it around my length, a soft moan escapes my lips as I close my eyes.

I see Angel kneeling in front of me, her breasts pushed together as she reaches down and plays with herself. Her tongue laps at my tip and I can't help but thrust into her mouth and spill down the back of her throat.

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