Chapter 78

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I wasn't exactly pleased with the whole prenup thing but it meant a lot to Angel so I signed it, plus I know that there's no way we will ever be needing it. After we headed home together Ezra and Ariel had pizza waiting for us, we spent the first night in our new home unpacking boxes while trying to contain our excitement for the next day.

Early the next morning Ezra and I loaded up the car while Angel and Ariel got ready, he had a few words for me along the line of take care of my Angel or I'll kill you basically. Liam and his family along with Niall were on our flight, Liam is my best man of course but Niall begged me to let him off of groomsman duty. He said that he'd party with us but felt like it wasn't right to stand up there because of his past with Angel.

We respected that and it made it easier for Angel as she only had Gemma and Jerica, Louis will of course be my other groomsmen. I think it will help him for the upcoming court battle, he's a part of Angel and I so he knows what he's fighting for.

Ariel was scared for his first flight and we were booked into first class so I sat next to Angel and pulled him onto my lap that way he had both of his parents to hold his hands. Once he had fallen to sleep I set him down in my seat next to Ezra and returned to my fiance.

Watching the love of your life never gets old, the way her eyes light up when she's happy, the way her dimples crease when she smiles. I could write a book on every little thing about her.

Maybe I will.

The plane trip was long and a bit weird if I'm honest, every other plane ride I'd end up hooking up with some rando in the loo but that's not me anymore. I'd be lying if I told you the idea of taking my fiance in the bathroom and having my way with her wasn't arousing, maybe on the trip back.

Angel had fallen to sleep so I just spent the rest of the time watching her chest rise and fall, loving the shadow her long mascara-less lashes cast on her cheek, the way she puckers her lips or nuzzles into me as she dreams.

Once we reached Italy it was a quick 15 minute to the sprawling estate. I knew the place well and knew how beautiful it was year round, but most importantly it was secure. We had staff and supplies efficient for our 10 day stay without leaving the confides of the gate. The estate sprawls almost 50 acres and has a small dirt road down to the waterfront where a yacht is docked.

Between Angel and I, we only had 25 guests attending the wedding which was fine with us, the important people would be there. The estate enough rooms to sleep more then double that so everyone will have their own space while Angel and I reside in the honeymoon suite that takes most of the top floor.

Greg, Niall's brother, gave me a good deal but it was still pricey to fly everyone out. Honestly though, I'd probably be paying three times this much had we married in Florida. The best part about marrying out here is that there will be no interruptions.

No Elise.
No Zayn.

No Nissa.


Gemma had set up an amazing surprise birthday dinner for me that Angel didn't even know about, the next eight days were spent together as a group. It was almost like a cruise on a very large, green ship that doesn't actually move.... Well until you go down to the smaller ship at least. We did everything from games to hiking around the Tuscan hillside. My tattoo had healed fully so we took advantage of the pool and hot tub as well.

It was relaxing, no work, no worries. Angel seemed so at ease, so ready to become my wife and I, so ready to be her husband.

So here it is, the day of out wedding and I'm sweating bullets. I was piss drunk in the Vegas chapel when Nissa and I had married but this marriage I'm entering with full cognizance.

We're up in a sitting room which has been made into a dressing room because it opens right out to the ceremony sight which is a balcony that has beautiful city views. My hands shake as I button up my lavender shirt while Ezra helps his grandson with his tie.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Gemma appears and a worried look on her face, "Ezra! Angel needs you." She whispers, he shoots me a concerned look and I furrow my brows as she leads him away from the room hurriedly.

What if she's having second thoughts?

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