Chapter 46

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"Thank you all for coming tonight," Harry bellows with a wide smile. I can't help but admire the perfect fit of his velvet suit and how it makes his eyes pop.

"Have you admitted it to yourself yet?" An Irish voice sounds from next to me while Harry continues.

"Admitted what?" I ask not looking away from my green eyes companion.

"That you're in love with him," He whispers. He's warm breath hits my neck and I look back at him, he nods back towards Harry who is now staring at us intently. "Pretty sure he has," He adds before kissing my cheek which causes Harry to clench his jaw. Niall chuckles before walking away leaving me alone as Harry clears his voice and continues.

The party setting is beautiful and clay but not stuffy, it feels rich and luxurious... Just like Harry. Liam and his wife were there along with Louis and his girlfriend, Niall came alone but is intent on me confessing my feelings for Harry.

Everyone here is beautiful, Harry has so many gorgeous women working for him so why would he even bother with his ex-stepdaughter? I mean, I'm not doubting myself because I think I'm perfectly awesome the way I am but he and I together would be.... Well, controversial.

A pretty auburn haired woman catches my eye, she's staring at Harry and biting her lip while swaying slightly as if to get his attention. She's wearing a tight fitting black velvet dress with a slit so high she cannot possibly be wearing panties, the dress is low cut in the front and backless as well showing off her tall, thin frame.

Harry wraps up his speech and I frown as he walks towards the woman, a pang of jealous runs through me as she touches his chest while placing a kiss to his cheek. My heart plummets as Harry smiles at her brightly, the same way he smiles at me. Fuck this, I think to myself as I try to make an escape without anyone noticing.

"Angel?" Harry's voice comes out, I muster all my strength and turn around with the most fake smile possible. "Come here love." He says, the auburn haired woman examines me as I make my way over to them.

They fit together, she reeks of money and elegance where as I've worked hard for what I have. Hell seeing them standing there together they could be a royal couple, both perfectly suited for each other.

"Angel this is my friend Elise," Harry says with a wide smile. Yea, good friend you stick your penis in.

"So this is Angel, I've heard so much about you." Harry's auburn haired companion says with a smile that feels sticky sweet.

Funny, I've never heard about you.

"All good things I hope," I mumble as I try to keep my smiling facade up when all I want to do is grab Niall and hit Harry right where it hurts.

"You'll have to save me a dance Harry," Elise coos and Harry shrugs.

"I'm sorry but I'm only dancing with one girl tonight," He says smiling at me.

Take that wannabe Jessica Rabbit.

"I see, well I'm sure I can have Niall keep me company." She shrugs before slithering off, I really don't like her.

Before I know it Harry pulls me onto the dance floor and spins me around before placing his hands on my waist. "Does Elise work for you?" I ask, curiosity getting the bet of me.

"No, she's just a good friend." Harry answers simply.

"Do you have a habit of fucking your good friends then?" I ask with my brow cocked and Harry sighs.

"In the past Elise and I had sort of a fuck buddy arrangement but now our friendship is strictly platonic." He explains.

"When was the last time then?"

"I was with her after you blew up at me on the way back from the photoshoot." Harry admits and I furrow my brows.

"But when I called you came running," I mumble, Harry nods and I feel like a complete idiot.

"I haven't been with anyone since you walked into my life again," He confesses as his green eyes gaze down into my brown.

"Me neither," I whisper.

Suddenly a soft buzzing sound breaks us out of our little moment, people are looking at us and smiling as Harry and I look at each other in confusion. We look up to see a small drone with a sprig of mistletoe attached to it and my eyes quickly find Niall and Liam operating the flying device.

"Your friends sure are special." I whisper as I nod off towards them, Harry smiles and shakes his head.

"Hey one of them is your friend too." He reminds me.

"Eh, I'm rethinking that." I tease and Harry chuckles as the buzzing of the drone continues.

"Might as well give them what they want," Harry says as he cups my face. Our eyes lock as he leans down, mine flutter shut upon feeling his warm breath against my lips.

The minute his soft lips touch mine it's like an explosion of emotional fireworks, I throw my arms around the back of his neck as he wraps his other arm around my waist pulling me against his firm body. He gently pulls my bottom lip between his teeth causing me to whimper and allowing him to slip his tongue past my lips.

I've never been kissed like this, never so complete. Like all that exists is us and this kiss, the near hundred people applaud as our kiss falls apart naturally but Harry keeps his forehead against mine.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

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