Chapter 59

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The next morning I awake from probably the best sleep I had ever gotten, Angel is curled up in my arms with her back to my front and we're both still naked from our eventful early morning. Angel's phone continues to ring from the bed side and she sighs before leaning over and grabbing it, her toned back and slim waist draw my lips in and she squeals as I kiss up her spine before she answers the call.

"Hey dad." She says groggily into the phone and I freeze, oh shit her dad. "You got back last night? How was your flight?" She says as she lays back and glances down at me, "You want to come see me new place?" She asks with her eyes wide as I make a face, Angel hadn't talked to Ezra in a few days and everything had basically changed. "Why don't we meet for some breakfast? There's a few things I need to tell you." She says quietly. "No everything is perfect dad, I promise." She assures him, "Ok see you in a bit."

Angel hangs up and sets her phone down before rolling over onto my chest, "I guess it's time I meet the father of my bride?" I tease and she hugs me, "Ezra likes me Angel. I'm sure he'll be fine once he see's how in love we are." I assure her and she looks up at me.

"I really hope so because this is the happiest I've ever been." She says softly before kissing my lips. "We need to meet him downtown in an hour."

"I'll have Gemma bring Ariel by after we tell him, maybe that will help." I suggest and she nods, "Go get dressed before I make us late." I whisper as I swat her ass playfully, she rolls her eyes and pulls herself from my body before walking into the bathroom.

"Don't wear anything sheer please Harry." She mumbles around her toothbrush as I walk into the bathroom to the toilet, "Seriously?"

"We're getting married Angel, at one point you may get pregnant and shit yourself during labor but I'll still think you're the most beautiful woman in the world. I think I can piss in front of you no?" I retort and she rolls her eyes.

"How can you be disgusting and adorable at the same time?"

"I am me." I shrug with a smirk and she chuckles as I wash my hands and grab my toothbrush. Once Angel is done she wanders into the closet and pull on some underwear before picking through her clothes.

"Don't forget to wear boxers today." She reminds me as I walk into the closet, I roll my eyes and pull some on before grabbing some black jeans and a grey Harley shirt along with a black newsboy hat. Angel nods approvingly before grabbing some skinny jeans and off shoulder top which is going to drive me crazy, she leans down and grabs some sandals to finish off her outfit before slipping it all on.

She walks back to her vanity and puts on some chapstick then pulls her hair to a loose braid on the side, "You're going to kill me today I can feel it." I whisper after leaning down and ghosting my lips down her neck.

"Keep doing that before we talk to my father and I may prove you right," She says playfully. "Come on, I hate being late."


The entire drive over Angel was bouncing her legs anxiously, should I be worried? I mean it's pretty fucking clear that I'm the best match for her regardless of the fact that I was married to her mother years ago. I know her dad is a good man and loves her, so he should want to see her happy right?

We reach the quaint little french restaurant within twenty minutes and Angel takes a deep breath before climbing out of the car, I close her door and take her hand to stop her before going in. "Whatever happens it's going to be ok Angel, I love you and you love me. Nothing can change that." I assure her and she nods before leading me into the eatery.

Angel's dad waves at us as we walk in and we make our way over to his table as he smiles brightly.

"I missed you my little Angel." He chirps before wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head, "I'm Ezra and you are?" He asks as he holds his hand out, he doesn't recognize me.

"Dad it's Harry." Angel says softly and his eyes widen.

"Wow, you look younger with shorter hair." He says with a smile before shaking my hand. "It's good to see you after all this time, you're well I hope?"

"Yea, very well." I nod and he motions for us to sit down, my hand goes to Angel's thigh and she offers me a soft smile.

"I didn't know we'd have company this morning Angel." He says as she bites her lip, "How is your new apartment?"

"About that dad, I've decided to stay with Harry and Ariel instead of move in with Jerica." She eplains and he looks a bit surprised, Angel glances at me and I sigh.

"I asked your daughter to marry me sir."

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