Chapter 87

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I wish I had let Harry have his way up in his office, I wish we decided to walk to pick up Ariel.

But we didn't.

He didn't see the blinking red light underneath his car, he didn't hear me screaming, begging him not to press the unlock button. Someone set this up, someone wants Harry and I dead.

And I knew exactly who.

"Harry!" I scream as I run to his body on the ground, I fall to my knees and pull his upper body into my lap as I try to wake him. He's not bleeding or anything and I found a pulse right away. I look up at his mangled car and see that my car is now on fire, my body reacts before I realize what's going on and I crawl over Harry to shield him from the second explosion.

Sirens soon sound as I sob over him, "Miss are you hurt?" A paramedic asks and I shake my head, he pulls me away from Harry saying that they need room to work and Harry is quickly loaded on a stretcher. "Do you want to ride with him?" The paramedic asks and I nod, he ushers me into the back of  the ambulance after they lift Harry in.

I quickly take out my phone and text my father the address of Ariel's lesson so he can pick him up then to bring Gemma to the hospital, "Are you his wife?" The paramedic asks.

"Yes, will he be ok?" I ask and am met with a grim nod. "You listen to me Harry, you don't get to die. We've barely been married 48 hours and you promised me a lifetime of loving you, I'm holding you to that promise." I whisper as my tears fall onto our conjoined hands.

Once we reach the hospital I'm brought into a waiting room while Harry is taken into the ER, after sitting on a chair I completely lose it. He can't leave me, not now or ever.

"Angel?" Gemma says breathlessly as she runs in to the room, "Oh God what happened?" She asks as she wraps her arms around me. I couldn't form any words, I just continued to sob in her comforting arms. She told me that Ezra was taking Ariel to her house to leave him with Alexa and her sitter, she also called Liam, Louis and Niall to come to the hospital.

It felt like forever when in reality it had only been ten minutes are so when the doctor comes out. "Angelic Styles?" He asks and I stand up, he motions for me to follow him. I leave Gemma behind to wait for the others before following the doctor down the hall. "Your husband is fine, just had a bit of a scare. He's awake and asking for you." He says and I thank him before bursting through the door to see Harry sitting up, he has some bruises but he's alive and that's all that matter.

"Thank God." He whispers when he looks up to see me, I launch myself across the room and wrap my arms around him before breaking down in tears of relief. "I'm ok baby, will take a lot more then some sick retired stripper and mother fucker to kill me." Harry jokes and I hit his chest.

"I thought I lost you Harry, it's not the right time to joke."

Harry pulls me into the bed with him and wipes at some soot on my cheek, "I'm sorry I scared you."

"Not as sorry as the bitch who tried to kill you is about to be." I mumble and he chuckles.

"There's my girl, knew she was still under those scared eyes." Harry whispers before kissing me softly.

"Don't you ever do that to me again Harry." I plead against his lips.

"Not planning on it baby, I promised you a lifetime remember?

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