Chapter 82

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After some quick photos Harry and I were swept into the large dining room where we had a long table set up, the dance floor and DJ is located on the deck that the large glass door opens to. Fairy lights and candles make the ambiance perfectly romantic while Harry and I's eclectic choice of music made it fun.

Harry and I sat at the center of the table with Jerica to my side and Louis to his, my dad and Gemma across from us and the rest of the guests filling in the other spots. "Ok, what is going on with your dad and my sister?" Harry asks as the staff serves dinner.

"Nothing officially, they both like each other." I whisper as we look at my dad and Gemma lost in their own conversation, the way she smiles and touches his arm, the way he tucks a stray hair behind her ear.....

Can't tell me that's nothing.

"How do we feel about this? I mean if they get married my sister will be my mother in law and your sister in law will be your stepmother, your niece will be your stepsister-"

"One wedding at a time Harry." I say after quieting him with a kiss, "Plus you used to be my stepfather if I remember correctly." I tease and he smirks.

"Now you just call me daddy." He whispers after leaning over, his lips brush against my neck as his fingertips trail down my spine. "This dress is just." He pauses as he bites his lip and looks me over. "Wow, never knew a wedding dress could turn me on this much." He growls as a throat clears, a throat belonging to my father.

"I'd appreciate it if you could keep it in your pants until AFTER the reception." He says sternly, Harry goes to argue but I jab him in the ribs knowing he was going to embarrass Gemma. "I'm watching you Styles." My dad adds and Harry smirks.

"And I'm watching you Samson." He retorts nodding to Gemma who turns a bright shade of red.

I sigh in gratitude as plates are placed before us and Harry places his hand on my thigh as we tuck in to our food. The dinner was delicious and quick, before I knew it Harry and I were being called to the dance floor for our first dance.

Harry takes my hand and spins me around as the familiar tune begins to play, "I love this song." I whisper and he smiles before pulling me against his body.

"I know." He smirks as we glide across the floor seamlessly.

"You've become quite the dance Harry."

"I had an amazing teacher." Harry winks and I smile as he spins me around and dips me, he kisses me gently before pulling me back up. Harry wraps his arms around me as we sway to the beat, he kisses my shoulder softly before dragging his lips up to my ear. "Give it to me straight from the heart, tell me we can make another start. You know I'll never go as long as I know it's comin' straight from the heart." Harry sings softly causing chills to shoot down my spine.

"Never knew you could sing Mr. Styles." I say in surprise as I look up into his blazing green eyes.

"I'm a man of many, many talents my dear Mrs. Styles." He retorts with his voice low as I bite my lip, I grip his collar and pull him down before crashing my lips against his feverishly as our small party applauds. Harry smirks against my lips and cradles my neck before dipping me back again.

I didn't want the dance to end but soon it was time to dance with my father, in the corner of my eye I see Harry holding his hand out to Gemma and I smile as he twirls her around. "Their mother must of been one hell of a woman." My dad says as he watches them fondly.

"I agree, even though they've both been through hell and back without each other their bond is as strong as can be." I reply and my father turns towards me.

"We did good though didn't we? I mean I tried to do your hair and take you bra shopping-"

"Dad." I quiet him as I press a hand to his chest, "I wouldn't change the way you raised me for anything. Now you have a grandson you can dote on," I nod towards Ariel and Alexa who are spinning around until they get dizzy and fall.

"He's a great kid, because of you two. I may of had my doubts early on but you two are a good team, that's what makes for a strong and long marriage." He says softly before wrapping his arms around me, "I'm so proud of my little angel." He whispers as tears form, I hug him tightly as they stream down my face.

"Making my wife cry Ezra?" Harry teases as he swings Gemma over towards us, "Trade me?" He asks and my father nods, he spins me out and I land against Harry's chest while my father takes Gemma's hand after pressing a soft kiss to it. "She thinks your dad is quite the man." Harry whispers and I chuckle.

"Well he is and now that I've found myself an amazing man, he's all hers." I smirk and Harry smiles brightly.

We dance for what feels like forever before it's time for the Bouquet toss, the small group of women gather. Jerica, Alexa, Gemma, Kayla and a few others await as Harry wraps his arms around me while I have my back to them. He kisses me sweetly as I toss the bouquet over my shoulder only to to fall into the hands of his unsuspecting sister.

Liam grins as he walks over with a chair and Harry scoops me up before sitting me down as the single men gather behind him. "Dad!! Get your single ass out there!" I shout and everyone laughs as Jerica pushes my father out to join his nephews, grandson, Louis and Niall.

Harry smirks up at me mischievously before disappearing underneath my dress, I gasp when I feel his warm breath against my clothed core. He chuckles against me as I smack him through the fabric of my dress, he lifts my skirt up around my thighs and huffs. "Sorry, it was really hot under there." He smirks and I cover my face in embarrassment. He places soft kisses as he drags the purple satin and lace down my leg. Harry pulls me up and kisses me as he flings the garter to the group of men behind him.

I lose myself in his lips and he wraps his arms around me as I hear Jerica cackling, "Let me guess. Your pops caught the garter." Harry smirks against my lips, I pull away and look behind him to see my dad holding the garter looking somewhat horrified.


"You know what that means Gemma!" Liam squeals as he pulls the chair I had just been on into the middle of the chair.

"What's he doing?" I ask Harry.

"It's tradition for the garter to be put back on." Harry grins as Jerica walks Gemma over to the chair. My dad sends me a fleeting glance and I shrug as Harry chuckles besides me.

Gemma's face goes pale as my dad takes her foot and begins to slide the garter up her leg, once he hit her knee she smacked his hands away. "Ok that's good, thank you." She says shortly before glaring at Harry and mouthing fuck you.

It was time to cut the cake next and I must say, I think Harry's been looking forward to this the most. I mean, a carrot wedding cake is pretty uncommon. After cutting off a slice I take a piece and hold it up, he wrap his plump pink lips around my fingers before sucking the frosting off as I bite my lip. He leans over and kisses me gently before bringing his lips to my ear, "I can't wait to see what you have on underneath this dress." He whispers, his voice low and lustful.

"Me neither."

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