Chapter 29

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"Hello again Xander." Harry replies coolly as he steps in front of me and crosses his arms, I gently push him to the side needed to be face to face with my boyfriend. 

"Come along Ariel." Liam whispers before guiding him back into the kitchen.

"I'm going with them." Jerica mumbles before following them 

"After our conversation yesterday you still honestly think I'm sleeping with Harry?" I ask him, my eyes and voice full of pain. Xander sighs and looks down before looking back up at me with a sad look. "Yes I slept with Niall while you were off fucking some woman old enough to be your mother Xander, I thought we got past all this." I add as I grip my messy bun in frustration. 

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed out about missing practice today and trying to figure out where we're going to live." He says running his hand through his hair as I furrow my brows at him. 

"We?" I question suspiciously as Harry shifts next to me, I can tell he's ready to go off.

"Well yea, he'll take Ariel so we can find a place."

"Angel is staying with me." Harry says simply in a low, commanding voice that sends shivers down my spine to my toes.

"Like hell she is." Xander retorts, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Harry so they're mirroring each other. 

"I am Xander, Ariel barely knows Harry." I start and Harry interrupts me.

"You fucking did this just to get rid of him didn't you? You told the landlord and got them kicked out." Harry snaps, the anger pours off of his skin like lava flowing from a volcano.

"You honestly think I would do that to her? Get her and her orphaned brother kicked out? I'm not like you." Xander seethes as the veins in his neck protrude, Harry balls his hands into fists and I place my hand on his arm to try to soothe him.

"Oi, calm down now mate." Louis speaks up, he walks between Harry and Xander before pressing his fingertips together and looking up at him. Louis is on the shorter side, he's toned but not built like Harry and Liam. What surprises me the most is how he demands not only your attention but respect with a single look which is being aimed right at Xander. "Harry never walked from his son, his cunt of an ex wife manipulated her way through the trial and fucked the judge for good measure." Louis explains and Xander's face drops. "He also has a mean right hook so I'd watch what you say to him." He adds smirking before joining Liam, Ariel and Jerica in the kitchen.

"Can I talk to you?" Xander pleads and I sigh.

"We can talk Sunday, right now I need to focus on getting everything out of the apartment and helping Ariel settle down into another new place. He is and will always be my priority and I don't think you fully understand that. Yes Harry is his father but I have legal custody of him, ME Xander. Not some social worker or what not, you need to think about what that entails before Sunday." I reply with my voice cool and even, a stark contradiction to the emotional mess I'm feeling inside.

Xander looks down and nods before stepping towards me, Harry's hand grips my arm ready to pull me away from him as Xander leans down to kiss me. I turn my face so he kisses my cheek, he holds his lips there for a moment before bringing them to my ear. "I love you." He whispers.

"Mhm." I hum in response, he backs up and frowns before putting his hands through his hair. "You have a box in the kitchen and two boxes in the bedroom."

"I'll grab those now, you can take the bed and couch-"

"I don't want them." I cut him off indifferently, he sighs and gives me sad puppy eyes which would normally get his way with me but I've about had it and want him out of my face.

"I'll send someone to come get them then." He says spitefully before shooting a glare at Niall then Harry, Xander then turns on his heels to exit the apartment.

"I can't believe you're still with that douchebag." Niall spits bitterly and I huff. 

"I might not be much longer."

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