Chapter 76

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A few days later I'm at my office finalizing things before we leave for Italy tomorrow, Angel was overseeing our things being delivered with her dad and Ariel at our new place.

I'm excited to spread out into a new place with her, where nothing is either her or mine but ours.

Everything was falling into place, Gemma had head out to Italy already along with Alexa, Jerica and Louis to make sure everything was going all to plan. I had heard this morning that all of our attire arrived save and sound, the florist was currently scouring the country side for the right shade of dusty pink rose. Angel isn't a bridezilla, far from it actually but she does get her way. She's very decisive and hellbent on getting what she wants, one flash of that million dollar smile and it's pretty much handed to her. She doesn't kill them with kindness, she kills them with persuasive beauty.

After my session with the tattoo gun I told her I wanted to wait to have sex again until after the wedding, she pouted and ALMOST won but I decided to please her in other ways. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I don't want to ruin the surprise which requires me to have boxers on all the time basically.

We're leaving tomorrow which happens to be my birthday, then spending the next eight days preparing for the wedding and relaxing. Kind of like a pre-wedding honeymoon since we aren't taking one after so we can prepare for the upcoming court date.

I'm nervous about going head to head with Nissa again, I just hope that the judge sees it Angel and I's way. Louis had requested a female judge and was granted it much to Nissa's lawyer's dismay, she can't fuck her way out of this one.

Well..... Unless the judge is a lesbian who's into nasty and saggy women that shouldn't be pregnant again. Not that being a lesbian is wrong, love is love, Nissa isn't love.

My door opens abruptly and a tall woman slithers into my office wearing quite possibly the smallest red dress I had ever seen, her slim frame spills out of the tight fabric and I mentally roll my eyes when I see that head of auburn hair and sweet smile. "What do you want Elise?"

"I've just missed you Harry, we used to be so close." She coos as she sways towards my desk, she leans against it to the side of me and I remember a day where I had bent her across this desk.

I need a new desk.

"Well people change," I shrug before going back to my paperwork.

"Or people change people, she doesn't know you Harry. How can you marry someone who doesn't like what you like, who doesn't give you what you need?" She asks in a low seductive voice as she places her hand on mine.

"Well thanks to you she knows exactly who I am," I snap as I pull my hand away. "The funniest part was that the only thing that really freaked her out was the choking which is your kink, not mine." I smirk as her eyes widen. "You did me a real favor Elise, Angel is everything I could ever want in and out of the bedroom."

"So you're really marrying her?" She pouts and I nod.

"In nine days." I shrug with a smile.

"Oh really? Where?"

"How do you say the name of that place baby?" Angel's voice sounds and I stand up as she walks over to me, she's wearing a peach sundress that shows off her amazing figure along with some nude heels that make her legs look insanely hot.

"Hi there," I smile widely as Angel walks to my side and kisses me. My hand rests on my bum as she leans against my chest and smiles at Elise.

"It's french right? F- gosh how do you say it? I can only spell it!" Angel furrows her brows, "F u c k o f f. That's it!" She chirps and I fight back a laugh as Elise pauses to think, her eyes narrow at Angel who smiles innocently and I can no longer hold back my laughter.

"You're really going to let your-" She's interrupted by my glare warning her about her next words. "Your fiance speak to me like that? After all I've done for you?" She says throwing my past in my face yet again.

"As far as I know, all you were for him was a hole to fuck." Angel retorts, her voice dripping with a sweet confidence that make my trousers grow tight. "Seems to me like you want something in return for allowing him to use you but what you don't realize if it wasn't you it would just be some other hole. Having a vagina doesn't make you special Elise, what makes you special is that you need to be choked out just to feel alive, what makes you special is that you thoroughly enjoy taking large shits on men's chests." Angel adds with her voice threateningly low as she walks over and circles Elise, "All you are is a pest that needs exterminating and luckily for you I'm not squeamish."


"Don't talk to him, don't you dare even fucking look at him." Angel growls and Elise looks down, the height difference is comical when Elise towers eight inches over Angel but Angel has her cowering like a dog who's gotten in the trash. "If I ever see you anywhere near my man again I will end you." She sneers before walking back over to me, "Have a blessed day!" Angel chirps with a wide smile and Elise saunters out of my office closing the door behind you.

"Damn that was hot." I growl before kissing her, within seconds I have her on my desk while I stand between her knees and kiss her passionately.

"Harry-" She pulls away breathlessly leaving me panting and wanting more, "I need you to sign this."

"What is it?" I ask as she holds up a folder.

"A prenup."

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