Chapter 2

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"I tried to talk her out of it Jerica, I really did." I vent to my roommate and best friend of three years.

"I know your mother, she just doesn't care." She says as she sits next to me on the couch and hands me a pint of Ben and Jerry's.

"Momma drama again babe?" Xander asks as he walks in from our room fresh out of the shower with nothing but gym shorts on, he leans down and kisses me softly before striding over to the kitchen nook in our apartment for an apple.

"Understatement of the year." I mumble, he grins at me and suddenly I forgot what it felt like to breath.

"How have you two been together for two damn years and you still look at each other like that?" Jerica snorts and I roll my eyes as Xander beams at me.

"That's love for you Jer." He smirks. "I've gotta go to training baby, I'll see you later." He says as he pulls on a shirt before walking over and kissing me again.

"Remember, we have Ari while Nissa and Jaxon are on their honeymoon." I remind him and he nods hesitantly before walking out the door.

"You two are utterly perfect." Jerica says shaking her head.

"Yea, aside from the fact that he doesn't like kids." I shrug, Xander really is perfect. He's gorgeous, kind, caring, smart and driven. We met the beginning of my sophomore year in college, he had just graduated and was picked up by the Marlins. We were friends at first as I was still getting over Jaxon's betrayal but over time we fell in love.

Ariel loved him though, hell who wouldn't? He's Xander freaking Evans, shortstop for the Miami Marlins. His fame and success haven't changed him though, he's still humble. He was adopted at the age of 10 so he knew what it was like to have absolutely nothing.

"You should call cps on your mom and just raise him yourself you know?" Jerica suggests and I huff.

"It's not that easy Jer, I'm still in school plus he needs at least one parent around." I shrug sadly.

"I'd rather have an awesome sister then a bitch whore of a mother Angelic." She says sternly.

"Oh shit, you used my real name. You must be serious." I sneer before rolling my eyes.

"Seriously though Angel, she's a shit mother."

"Don't you think I know that? I can't just snap my fingers and make her go away though." I huff and she reaches over to open my ice cream.

"Eat up buttercup, you deserve it." She says as she hands it back to me, after ice cream she helps me pull out the couch and make the living room into a good spot for Ariel. He spends every other weekend with us but 10 days will be a lot.

"Do you want to go pick him up with me?" I ask after we're done, it's 8:30 and their house in a 20 minute drive in town. 

"I'll stay here and order some pizza." She offers and I nod before bidding her farewell. The ride through town was slow, by the time I got to their place I was a few minutes late due to traffic. When I pull up to their house I see a for sale sign with sold over it in red, hmmm that's odd.

I go to unlock the door but find it already unlocked. "Ari?" I call out into the dark house, Ariel's pajama clad figure is in the hallway along with his bags. "Sweetie, I'm sorry I'm late." I say as I go to hit on the lights but they won't turn on.

What the hell?

"It's ok Angel, you're here now." Ariel exclaims after throwing his arms around my legs. 

"Where's mom?" I ask with my brows furrowed as I look around and see the house completely empty aside from Ariel and his bags.

"She's gone, she said that I'm going to live with you from now on.

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