Chapter 61

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"What that Angel's da-"


"And he didn't know about the-"

"Nope." I cut her off as I bounce my leg nervously, this could go very very bad.

"I'm sorry Harry, I didn't know." Gemma says softly and I smile at her.

"It's fine Gem, so the Paris ballroom?" I ask, she nods before going on and on about how it's going to be black and white themed but Angel and I will wear grey or silver. That it will be an adult only even but she booked us the penthouse suit and hired a few sitters so people can bring their kids and they'll have a party up there while we have ours downstairs.

It was all pretty brilliant and I know Angel will love it, hopefully her dad is supportive because I know that would kill her if he wasn't. Her father raised her by himself and did a damn good job, they are all each other has and not having his support would definitely make her rethink her answer to my proposal.

"Harry?" My fiance interrupts my thoughts, I look her over and see no sigh of tears or anything so I let out a sigh of relief. "My dad wants to talk to you." She says and my stomach feels like it just dropped through the floor.

I'm a good dad, I'm good at being dad and damn good at being daddy..... Dealing with my fiance's dad scares the absolute shit out of me though. He's just as tall as me if not taller and intimidating as all hell, it's like he knows I stuck my dick in his little Angel or something.

"Uh, alright?" I reply as I stand up and wipe my sweaty palms down the front of my jeans.

"Hey, he's not going to kill you ok?" She says as she cups my face.

"Nah he'll just maim me or cut off my ba-" I'm cut off by Angel's soft lips against mine.

"I love you Harry." She whispers after pulling away, her big brown eyes calm me down instantly.

"That's all I need then." I wink before striding out to the courtyard where my death, er I mean, future father in law waits.

Ezra has his back to me as I walk out, even though we're of similar stature I can't help but feel like a little boy next to him, "You uh... You wanted to see me sir?"

"God don't call me sir Harry, I get that every day all day." Ezra sighs and I chuckle.

"I know what you mean." I reply and he nods.

"You done well for yourself since the fiasco with our ex wife," He says as he turns towards me.

Shit, we were married to the same woman. We both had kids with the same woman.

"In most cases I would stand here and tell you how wrong this is, for my daughter to be a mother to her brother. For her to marry her mother's ex husband, for you two to be together period.... But I can't because it isn't, what was wrong was for Nissa to take advantage of you and marry you in the first place." He explains and I nod in agreeance. "My daughter loves you and she loves her brother, I admire that you two have taken what life has dealt you and made it into a beautiful little family." He adds.

"Thank you sir-"He shoots me a glare and I clear my throat, "Thank you Ezra."

"You're a good man Harry, you helped me secure Angel's tuition but don't you think for a second that I won't hurt you if you fuck this up." Ezra threatens, there's papa bear.

"I'd expect nothing less."

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