Chapter 67

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"Good morning love." My fiance chirps as I walk into the bedroom in the penthouse suite wearing nothing but his black shirt from last night.

He chuckles as I throw myself into bed next to him, "It's an amazing morning." I whisper as I look up at him, he drapes his arm over my stomach and smiles at me.

"Why is that?" Harry asks curiously.

"We're getting married this year." I reply cheekily and his smile widens.

"We are aren't we." He whispers before leaning down and kissing me softly.

Last night didn't go the way we had planned but we weren't going to allow my mother's lies to ruin our night. We continued to dance until the early morning, while a lot of people were drunk Harry and I were just in love. Nothing could of ruined our night, no matter what.

Luckily we had the penthouse with multiple bedrooms, the kids were in one with Gemma while my father took another. Jerica took the smallest one and Louis crashed the couch, they were all too tired and or drunk to make it home. It surprised me that Harry had cut himself off after my mother's visit, almost like she reminded him of who he used to be. My father however was rocked to the core, Gemma and Jerica took turns checking in on him while Harry took me to bed.

"We should get up and order some breakfast for everyone, pretty sure some massive hangovers are going on." Harry suggests and I nod before kissing him sweetly, "That's not how you get our of bed baby." He smirks against my lips, I pull back and gaze into his vivid green eyes as I brush the curls off his forehead.

"I'm so happy Harry." I whisper and his face lights up in one of his dimpled smiles.

"I'm happy too Angel, love you." He says softly before pecking my lips and climbing out of bed.

"Angel we need some- Holy shit white boy got ass." Jerica says looking at Harry's bare bum, he blushes and grabs a towel to wrap around his middle before walking into the bathroom.

"Ever hear of knocking?" I roll my eyes as she shakes her head laughing.

"I'm still getting used to you having sex on a regular basis again let alone that you're engaged and your fiance is daddy as fuck." She chirps, Harry walks back in wearing some black skinny jeans with his Calvin boxer band visible just at the very top. He pulls on a tshirt and walks over to me.

"She isn't wrong," He whispers before kissing my neck and walking out into the penthouse.

"You two are going to kill me." I sigh as I fall back onto the bed.

"Do you have some Aspirin? Boo bear out there needs some stat."

"Boo bear?" I ask and she chuckles.

"That's what Louis told me to call him while incredibly drunk last night so Imma take advantage." She smirks and I shake my head before crawling out of bed.

"Give me a minute to get dressed?"

"Nah, seen it all before." She shrugs as she sits down on the bed, I roll my eyes as I walk over to our overnight bags. "You ok? I know last night was unexpected."

"I'm fine, like my dad said she's just bluffing." I reply as I pull on some underwear.

"And you're happy right? I know I keep asking this but marriage is a big deal, you and Harry haven't been together that long." She presses, I know she's coming from a caring place.

"I'm the happiest I've ever been, yes I didn't know him well until almost six months ago but if you think about it, I've known him for years. I honestly can't see myself with anyone else, he's an amazing father and an even better man." I explain as I slip on a light sundress since it's 75 degrees outside already.

"I wouldn't be your best friend if I didn't make sure." She says while I braid my hair to the side.

"Speaking of that, would you be my maid of honor?" I ask softly, her eyes light up as she walks over and wraps her arms around me.

"Who else is gonna stand up for your crazy ex-stepfather marrying ass?"

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