Chapter 86

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"I don't trust her."

"I know baby but we need all the help we can get." I whisper as I wrap my arms around her, she's wearing a short black dress with some type of mesh at the top and some nude flats making her even shorter but still adorably hot to me. "When is Ariel's lesson over?"

"About thirty minutes." She shrugs and I smirk mischievously, "No no no Harry, I know that look."

"Well I mean, you are my wife so you should be knowledgeable in the looks I give you." I tease as she bites her lip.

"Is this a new desk?" Angel asks, her hips sway as she walks over to the dark cherry wood desk.

"It is, came in while we were in Italy." I reply as I walk over to her with my hands behind my back, she turns towards me and lifts herself up on the desk.

"It's beautiful." She says softly as her fingertips trace the natural grain in the wood, my body naturally finds itself gravitating between her legs as she smiles at me innocently.

"Was hoping you'd help me break it in sometime," I whisper as I cup her face gently, she looks up at me through her dark eyelashes and gnaw her lip causing me to lose all control as I crash my lips against hers. My fingertips run up her thighs as our lips mold together, I groan as she pulls my lip between her teeth before pushing me away gently.

"I need to go get Ariel." She whispers as she slips off my desk, "This will have to wait for another time." She says patting my chest before walking past me out of my office, I jog to catch up with her and snake my arm around her waist as we walk through the building. "What are you doing?"

"Walking my wife to her car." I whisper before pressing a kiss to her hair as my employees stare at us. They're still adjusting to seeing their boss express an emotion other then anger and annoyance, makes me feel like kind of an asshole.

Once we reach the elevator and the doors close I trap her against the wall with my hands on either side of her head, "Have I told you how much I love you?" I whisper as I nuzzle her neck before kissing it softly.

"Hm, not today." She teases before gripping my collar with her small hands and kissing me softly. The elevator dings at the 4th floor and the doors open, George looks nervous as he steps into the elevator with Angel and I.

"George, have you met my wife Angelic?" I chirp knowing fully well that this asshole had accused her of once working for Zayn.

"Yes once I believe, congratulations sir." He says with his head down.

"You don't have to be scared of him George, his bark is far worse then his bite. Plus who can be scared of someone with four nipples." Angel teases and I shake my head as George shifts uncomfortably.

"Uh ok? Have a good day." He says before darting out of the elevator doors as it opens on the bottom floor.

"I'll show you that my bite can be way worse then my bark." I growl in a low rasp as I pull her side against me and walk her out the large glass doors.

"Bring it on baby, I happen to like your bite. Still sporting one of your marks on my right ass cheek." She replies smirking.

"That's my favorite, should go down and get it tattooed." I tease and she shakes her head before stopping dead in her tracks as we walk to the parking lot. Her white SUV was parked next to my black one and had the word slut written in red ink across the back window.

I take her hand and call security before walking over to see that there is no other damage done, "Come on. We'll take my car." I say as her eyes widen.

"Harry don't!" Angel screams and before I know it everything goes black.

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