Chapter 5

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"I figured you'd be asleep." Xander says softly as he slips into our room; I was laying on the bed in one of his old shirts as I looked into where I could take Ariel for his vaccinations along with what I needed to do to get him enrolled in school.

I shut my computer and moved it to the bedside table before climbing off the bed. "Was just doing some research, I need to take Ari shopping tomorrow since all of his clothes are too small." I shrug and Xander furrows his brows. 

"Shouldn't Nissa do that? I mean you don't make that much money babe." He says cautiously and I sigh.

"Well if this test shoot goes well next week that I won't have to worry about money will I?" I whisper as I help unzip his warmup jacket.

"My manager is iffy about this shoot baby, if it goes the wrong way it could look bad for me." He mumbles nervously as he runs his hands through his hair.

"It's not like I'm getting naked Xander."

"Yea but it's still Maxim Angel, you're gorgeous and I know you'll get it. He's just concerned you know?" He shrugs and I nod softly.

"I get it but you know I won't go too far plus I need this to help pay for the rest of my schooling." I explain, I don't want to mention Ariel staying with me for a few days so I can think.

"You know I can help you baby." He whispers as his warm hands go to my hips. 

"I know and I love you for that but I want to do it on my own."

"Taking help doesn't make you anything like her Angel." He assures me and I sigh, he knows that I'm the way I am because of my mother. She's spent her entire life depending on a man for everything. She has no career, no degree.

And now no children.

"I know that but it still doesn't change my mind Xander, if you really want to help you can go shopping with Ariel and I tomorrow." I suggest and he cringes slightly.

"Can I just give you my card or something?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"He's my little brother, I know kids aren't your favorite but he's a bit different isn't he?" I whisper pleadingly, he sighs and nods.

"You're right plus he's only here for ten days." Xander shrugs and I bite my lip, it will be way longer then that babe.

He leans down and kisses me hungrily, I immediately return the kiss as my body responds to him. "I love you Angel." He whispers against my lips. 

"I love you too." I whisper before falling back on the bed and pulling him on top of me.


"Ariel sweetie, I need a favor." I say softly as he helps me make pancakes while Xander showers, Ariel looks up at me curiously. "Don't mention anything about mom leaving and you staying with me to Xander, I still need to talk to him ok?" I beg nervously.

"What if he doesn't want me to stay though?" He asks with his big emerald green eyes full of fear and emotion.

"Well that's just not an option is it? You are my little brother and I love you, I will do whatever it takes to care for you." I assure him before kissing his wild curls. "Xander wants to go shopping with us, doesn't that sound like fun?" I ask grinning and he shrugs.

"Sometimes I don't think he likes me." Ariel mumbles and my heart aches.

"It's not you sweetie, Xander is just a little weird around kids you know? He loves you because you're apart of me, understand?" I say sternly and Ari nods his head.

This poor boy, in his almost six years on this earth he's lost so much. 

Well he won't lose me, I'll make sure of it.

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