Chapter 16

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Angel's POV-

"You talk funny." Ariel says and I fight back the urge to laugh.

"Well I grew up a long ways from here Ariel, I was born and raised in England." Harry says, his accent still lightly detectable but not as strong as when I first met him.

"Like Harry Potter?" Ariel asks with his eyes wide and Harry chuckles.

"Kind of." Harry shrugs before looking down at the bear in his hand. "Are you happy to have teddy back?"

"Yes, thank you so much." Ari replies shyly. "Can I hug you?" He asks sheepishly, tears form in Harry's eyes as he smiles widely and opens his arms.

"Of course you can." He assures him, Ariel flings his tiny body against Harry's and Harry wraps his arms around him. Harry takes a deep breath, breathing in Ariel's scent before looking up at me and mouthing thank you.

Tears began to stream down my face Harry cries as well, how could my mother keep Ariel away from him. How could the courts rip him away from his son? How could someone be so emotionally and sexually manipulative?

I had a hard time this morning, this whole thing has stirred up feelings I've tucked away. I tried to do my makeup but I kept messing up or crying it off, I finally just gave up. Not like I'm trying to impress Harry anyways.

Harry gathers himself and leans back on his heels before gripping Ariel's shoulders. "I want you to know that I love you very much Ariel, there was never a day that I didn't think about you while you were gone." Harry says emotionally.

"You're not going to go away again are you?" Ariel asks quietly as he fights back a sob, Harry wraps his arms around him again and kissing his hair.

"No Ari, never again. I promise." He whispers, it was surreal honestly. Seeing a father and son reunited like this. I was blessed to have my father and Harry blessed to have his mother but Ariel? He had no one but now he has the both of us. "I hope you two are hungry." Harry says as he rises to his full height. "I may or may not of gone overboard in preparation." He adds sheepishly and I smile.

Ariel settles down on the blanket as Harry walks over to me. "Hi." I whisper looking up into his vivid green eyes.

"Hi." He replies looking down at me, his tongue darts out to wet his naturally dark pink lips.

Whoa, why do I feel like he's going to kiss me?

But he doesn't, he leans in and wraps his muscular arms around me and pulls me into his toned frame. "Thank you so much." He whispers, his lips lightly brushing against my earlobe causing goosebumps to erupt.

"Thank you for being amazing." I mumble with my head against his chest, I've never had a hug feel so safe and secure but so intimate at the same time. It was nothing like Xander's hugs.

Harry kisses my cheek before releasing me and pulling me over to join Ariel, I sit down next to Ari and Harry sits down in front of us. He reaches over and begins pulling things out of the cooler. "An entire stray of brownies Harry?" I tease and he smiles sheepishly as he pulls the rest of the food out. He offers me a soda and a water, I opt for the water as does Ariel of course.

"I made some fruit salad and chicken salad sandwiches." Harry says as he pulls out three sandwiches followed by a bowl of fruit, Ari's eyes light up as he loves fruit.

Harry fixes us each a plate and I give him a concerned look when he gives Ariel his plate, I don't want him to be upset but Ari is a picky eater who most likely won't touch the sandwich.

Well I was both right AND wrong, Ariel did touch the sandwich but he didn't like it very much. Ariel looks up at me in fear of upsetting his dad. "Hey buddy it's ok if you don't like it, do you like peanut butter and jelly?" Harry asks and Ari nods his head, Harry reaches over and takes Ariel's sandwich before handing him another one. "Good thing I came prepared." He says winking at me and my heart soars.

Seriously, could he be any more perfect.

Ok, he could be if he really made this sandwich cause it's the most delicious thing I've ever had in my mouth. "Did you really make this?" I ask in disbelief and he nods. "ALL of it?"

"Well I mean, I bought the chips and cut the fruit. I didn't bake the bread either." He teases and I roll my eyes. "My mum raises me to be able to do everything, I can cook, clean and fix a car." He shrugs and suddenly I'm reminded of his toned, inked stomach and picturing him shirtless, covered in grease as he fixes a car.

Ok Angel just eat more fruit, don't think about him shirtless dripping in HOLY SHIT THIS KIWI IS DELICIOUS!

I grab a napkin as the kiwi juice dibbles down my chin and hits the top of my chest, my eyes meet Harry's who is frozen staring at me with his lips parted. My face reddens as I look down and clean myself up.

Why am I clumsy fucktard in front of him?

Harry asks Ariel tons of questions during lunch and Ariel does the same, before we know it we're all full of delicious food and it was about time to head back. "Can daddy come back with us? I want to play with him." Ariel asks and I nod.

"It's up to him sweetie." I reply as I brush a stray curl from his forehead. "He does work."

"I'd love to." Harry says smiling widely. "I took some time off to spend it with you." He adds but looking at me rather then Ariel, I smile and look down at my fingers.

"Why don't you go play for a few minutes while I help your dad clean up?" I suggest and he nods before running off towards the play structure.

"He's a great kid." Harry says smiling watching the curly haired boy bound away.

"He really is." I reply softly before getting up, Harry holds his hands out for me to help him up and I shake my head at him causing him to give me puppy eyes. "Ugh, fine." I say rolling my eyes before holding my hands out, Harry grabs them but instead of me pulling him up he pulls me down on top of him. "Harry!" I squeal. "You totally meant to do that!"

"Did not!" He chirps. "But I'm not complaining either." He adds in a low whisper as he gazes into my eyes intently, suddenly his hands are on my waist tickling me. I laugh uncontrollably and Harry flips us so he's hovering over me, the dark look in his eyes has me completely silent as I stare up at him.

"Eh your view was better then mine is." I tease, finally finding my voice. Liar.

"I don't doubt that." He says smirking before pulling himself to his feet and extending out his large hand, I stare at it not trusting him to actually pull me to my feet. "Come on love, I've got you." He says softly and I sigh in defeat as I fit my smaller hand into his, he pulls me up with surprising strength causing me to wrap my arms around his shoulders as I fall against him. "Told you I've got you." He whispers, shock-waves shoot through my body as his warm breath hits my skin.

"Thank you." I whisper as I pull away from him, I busy myself with cleaning up not wanted to dwell on the feelings I'm feeling or the thoughts running through my head. Harry helps me which it's making the feelings and thoughts go away as his skin keeps brushing my own.

"This was a really good picnic Harry, I'm impressed." I admit causing him to smile widely.

"Glad I impressed you Angel." Why does the way he says my name make me weak in the knees? This cannot be good.

"Come on Ari, time to go home." I shout as Harry stashes the picnic gear in his car. Ariel runs over to me and grabs Teddy from me before taking his fathers hand and leading him the way home. "What about your car?" I ask.

"I'll come back and get it later." Harry shrugs before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with them.

I can't help but thing, if someone looked at us we were just look like a mother, father and son. Ariel can easily pass as my child and Harry is a more believable husband for me then he ever was for my mother.

Is this what I want? Is this what will end Xander and I?

Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that my brother is happy to have Harry in his life.... and to be honest, I am too.

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