Chapter 57

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"I like this." My girl whispers as she leans back into me.

"Hm?" I hum as I ghost my lips over her neck.

"Being out together, not having to hide or fight my feelings anymore." She goes on before turning around and looping her arms over my shoulders, "I like the way we fit together so naturally even with our history." She adds as she gazes into my eyes with her big browns.

"I used to be your stepfather but now you just call me daddy," I smirk and she blushes. "All of my cheekiness aside, I like this too." I whisper softly as I cup her face, "Wanna dance a bit more and then get out of here?" I ask and Angel nods before pulling me out to the dance floor.

Liam waves at us before heading towards the exit leaving Louis and his girlfriend the last of our party, they're currently making out on the dance floor so I'm sure they won't notice once Angel and I leave. I'm pretty eager to get her home and explore more of my now fiance's body.

Down boy, save it for later.

Angel turns away from me and rolls her body back against mine as I curse myself for not wearing boxers, a whimper escapes my lips and she looks back at me. "You alright babe?" She asks as I bite my lip.

"Yea, just forgot to put boxers on." I mutter and she smirks.

"Oops," She smiles innocently before grinding her perfect ass back against my boxerless crotch.

"Fuck Angel." I curse under my breath and wrap my arms around hr as her movements continue, "I swear if you make me cum in my pants I'm going to spank you so fucking hard." I growl and she turns towards me before looking up at me innocently.

"Careful, I might like it daddy." She teases as she bites her lip.

Ok, fuck this.

"We're going," I grunt before grabbing her hand and heading towards the exit. A tall woman with her back to us blocks the path at the hostess stand and I huff not wanting to wait another minute to lose myself between my fiance's legs.

"Did you cancel the Styles party?" The woman asks the waitress from earlier.

"Yes ma'am but he wasn't happy when he showed up." She replies and the woman laughs.

"He's not the only one not happy-"

"Elise." I bellow, Angel looks up at me with her brows furrowed as Elise turns towards us.

"Oh Harry! So good to see you," She chirps with a fake smile as she goes to kiss my cheek.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snap and her lips part in surprise, "So you're the manager?" I ask and she nods. "Good cause this place is getting a shit review, what kind of manager cancels a VIP table that would of made he club thousands of dollars as well as gotten a good review?"

"The kind that doesn't give a fuck? Ever since she walked back into your life it's all about her," She says nodding to Angel who narrows her eyes at her.

"Well I am his fiance." Angel snaps and Elise looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Really? Hm, good luck with taming this one." Elise says with a sick smile as she looks down my body, Angel steps in front of me no intimidated by Elise's height and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Can't you get it through your thick skull that he doesn't want you?" Angel growls and it doesn't help the throbbing ache in my groin, Elise steps towards her and whispers something in her ear that causes Angel to grow rigid.

"You'll make a beautiful bride," Elise smiles sweetly before winking at me and walking away. I place my hand on Angel's lower back and guide her out to the car waiting for us. She slips into the car quietly and I glance back towards the club to see Elise watching us bitterly, when she catches my eye she smiles and walks off.

"I hate her." Angel growls as I get into the car and I sigh.

"I can't blame you baby." I shrug, I had wanted them to be friendly since Elise was there for me during my darker times but this jealousy shit she has over Angel isn't cool.

"I think she's working with that man from last night Harry."

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