Chapter 80

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"Shit get a bucket, I think he's going to be sick."

"Harry? Harry drink this bud, Louis you were supposed to make sure he ate this morning not burying your dick in the maid of honor." Liam's voice snaps as I struggled to open my eyes, "Niall call downstairs and have them make him something." He says before turning back to me, "Are you ok man? You took a tumble."

"What?" I ask as I sit up about my vision clears, "What the fuck? Damn that hurts." I groan as I hold the back of my head.

"You looked pale after Ezra ran out then your looked at your phone and down you went." He explains and my heart drops, I quickly grab my phone to check and see if what I saw was real.

It was.

"Nissa lost her baby," I mumble under my breath and Liam gives me a questioning look. "She's blaming us, claims delaying the proceedings stressed her out and led to her miscarriage." I add as I show him the paperwork my assistant had emailed me.

"Holy shit, you don't think this is forged and she's doing this on purpose knowing what today is do you?" Liam says as he reads through it.

"I wouldn't put it past her but my assistant called and confirmed."

"Well I mean, she has no business raising another kid." Liam shrugs and I sigh.

"But she can play the pity card." I point out and Liam looks down.

"Don't tell Angel about this until you get back to Miami, just forget about it for the next few days alright?" He pleads and I nod before pulling myself up.

"Got you a club sandwich, water and some Aspirin H." Niall says as he carries in a tray, Liam helps me over to a chair where I sit down and eat before taking the pills.

I hadn't had a panic attack in years, Nissa and I used to fight so badly that I would just fall into the fetal position struggling to breathe while she walked away. It was worst this time because I thought Angel was having second thoughts, maybe she is.

"You alright Harry? Looks like you've seen a ghost." Ezra says looking at me in concern and I jump up before running over to him.

"Angel! Is she ok? Is she having second tho-"

"God no, she is however deathly afraid of spiders." He smirks and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

She's ok, my Angel is still marrying me.

"You should tell him." Liam nods at Ezra who looks at me curiously.

"My assistant sent over some paperwork she received this morning, Nissa had a miscarriage. She's blaming Angel and I and is seeking restitution but the worst part is that the judge may be more sympathetic to her." I explain and Ezra looks down, "I'm not going to tell Angel until we go back to Miami."

"That's a wise choice," He nods softly. "I'm just sorry you're having to deal with this on your wedding day." Ezra says has he grips my shoulder, "I know how much you love my daughter Harry. Thank you for continuing to move the earth to give her everything she deserves."

"Hey, I had to follow in your footsteps." I shrug and he smiles before bringing me in for a manly hug.

"Let's go get you married son."


It wasn't the warmest day but the sky more then made up for the crisp air, the beautiful sunset sky highlights the historic buildings that scatter the Tuscan town below. Liam and Louis stand besides me with the officiant as the string quartet plays softly off to the side. The balcony is small with minimal decoration, we wanted the sky and setting to really shine through.

Gemma smiles at me as she begins to walk down the aisle, she's the happiest I've ever seen her. Suddenly I feel a warmth envelope me, I can smell a sweet spice that my mum always smelled of and I smile knowing that she's here with us.

As Jerica enters Louis' eyes widen and he smiles, she shakes her head smirking as she walks down the aisle to join Gemma. Ariel and Alexa soon appear, Ariel is holding a satin pillow while Alexa spreads white rose petals along the aisle. Once at the end Alexa joins her mother and Ariel goes to stand next to Louis.

The music changes and everyone stands, a gasp escapes my lips as Angel and her father step out onto the romantically lit balcony. Her dress shimmers as I look up from her feet to her beautiful face, I'm absolutely breathless as I feel tears stream down my face.

Don't cry, she mouths and I nod before grabbing my handkerchief and wiping them away. She smiles brightly as she and her father walk down the aisle slowly, my heart pounding more and more with every step. I love you, she mouths and her lip quivers as she fights back her emotions. I wink at her and smile as she continues her walk knowing that everything I've ever been through, ever tear I've cried and every battle I've fought.

It's all brought me here.

It's all brought me here

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