Chapter 33*

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So.... Angel and I had our first fight last night, well first fight living together at least. I had ordered pizza and she was mad because she and Ariel had been eating out a lot, she said it wasn't good for his system because he's not used to it.

I should of listening because we were up all night with him while he was puking, so as you can imagine... I am fucking exhausted, exhausted and horny.

Yea, gross right? You try to not get turned on when a gorgeous woman takes her shirt off in front of you ok? So what if it was to clean up puke. I'm a guy, I have a dick and it got hard. It's not like I wanted to fuck her all pukey and shit, it's just an involuntary reaction.

She told me to go back to sleep, that she could handle it but I refused. Ariel is my son, not hers. She shouldn't have to be doing this period so I'll be damned if I'm going to allow her to do it alone.

So this is why it's 10am, I've slept two hours and had about four cups of coffee. Ariel had finally fallen to sleep and Angel keeps nodding off on the couch so I go to get up, "Where are you going?" She mumbles.

"To shower and go grocery shopping, I'm not in the mood to clean up anymore puke." I reply, she sighs and I take her silence as a cue for me to leave. Once I'm in my room I strip down and go to walk into my bathroom then I realize that Angel's stuff is still in the boxes, my eyes wonder over to her big box of lingerie she hasn't even wore as my mind goes crazy with possibilities.

I want to see her in each and every piece before ripping them from her body and showing her what sex is really supposed to feel like.

And these thoughts don't help my aching arousal now swinging around as I walk.

I hit on the water as hot as possible and spit in my hand before wrapping it around my length, huffing in frustration I try to picture anyone but Angel but it's useless. When I close my eyes all I see are her big brown eyes, her plump pink lips, her perfect breasts and round ass. I picture her on her knees staring up at me as she takes me into her mouth, I picture her bent over as I tangle my hands in her hair and pound into her from behind, I picture her bent in half with her feet over my shoulders as I sink into her.

I saw I can hear her gasp in pleasure as the visions continue, "Fuck Angel." I moan before exploding into the shower, the water beats against my back as I hang my head allowing it to wash over my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I see something, when I turn my head I'm met with her gorgeous big brown eyes.

Well shit.

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